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Textbook Of Color Doppler Imaging, 2nd Edition
76,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
The purpose of this book is to provide clear, concise, detailed guidance on the clinical applications of color doppler imaging in various systems of the body. It provides a sound knowledge of the basic technical principles of color doppler imaging and the patho-physiology involved in the disease processes that color doppler is used to diagose.

Author information
MD (Radio Diagnosis), MD (Radiotherapy), DMFO, FICRI, FIAMS, FCCP, FUSI, FIMSA, FAMS; Professor and Head, Dept. of Radiology and Imaging, University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi

1. The Story of Doppler ................................................................................................................ 1
Satish K Bhargava, AK Srivastava
2. Basic Hemodynamics ................................................................................................................ 3
AK Srivastava, Satish K Bhargava
3. Doppler Principle and Instrumentation .................................................................................. 15
Satish K Bhargava, AK Srivastava, Sumeet Bhargava
4. Doppler Spectral Analysis ....................................................................................................... 25
Satish K Bhargava, AK Srivastava, Sumeet Bhargava
5. Color Flow Imaging ................................................................................................................. 34
AK Srivastava, Sumeet Bhargava, Satish K Bhargava
6. Contrast Agents in Ultrasound ................................................................................................ 42
Sumeet Bhargava, Satish K Bhargava, Suchi Bhatt
7. Cerebrovascular Doppler Sonography..................................................................................... 53
Satish K Bhargava, Gopesh Mehrotra, Raju Rastogi
8. Transcranial Doppler Sonography ........................................................................................... 66
Vipul Gupta
9. Doppler in Liver ...................................................................................................................... 84
Suchi Bhatt, Poonam Narang, Sumeet Bhargava
10. Role of Color Doppler in Splenic Lesions ............................................................................... 105
Sumeet Bhargava, Suchi Bhatt, Poonam Narang, Satish K Bhargava
11. Color Doppler in Pancreas .................................................................................................... 108
Sumeet Bhargava, Suchi Bhatt, Poonam Narang, Satish K Bhargava
12. Role of Color Doppler in Urinary System ............................................................................... 111
Suchi Bhatt, Satish K Bhargava, Raju Rastogi, Sumeet Bhargava
13. The Retroperitoneum and Great Vessels .............................................................................. 135
Sumeet Bhargava, GP Vashist, Suchi Bhatt, Sumeet Bhargava
14. Current Role of High-resolution Ultrasonography and
Color Doppler in the Diagnosis of Scrotal Diseases ............................................................... 153
Bharat Parekh, Raju Rastogi, Sumeet Bhargava
Textbook of Color Doppler Imaging

15. Duplex Ultrasonography of Erectile Dysfunction .................................................................. 164
Sanjay Thulkar, Deep N Srivastava
16. Color Doppler of Small Parts ................................................................................................. 169
GP Vashisht, Lalendra Upreti, Satish K Bhargava, Raju Rastogi, Sumeet Bhargava
17. Doppler Imaging of Peripheral Arteries ................................................................................ 184
Satish K Bhargava, Raju Rastogi
18. Venous System ..................................................................................................................... 196
Satish K Bhargava, Rohini Gupta, Sumeet Bhargava
19. Intravascular Ultrasound—Newer Advances,
Current Applications and Future Directions .......................................................................... 206
Sanjiv Sharma, Gurpreet Gulati
20. Role of Color Flow and Doppler in Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Infertility .................................................................................................... 216
Narendra Malhotra, Jaideep Malhotra, Raju Rastogi, Sumeet Bhargava
21. Gray Scale Ultrasonography and Color Doppler Study in Fracture Healing ............................ 250
OP Sharma
Index ........................................................................................................................................... 255


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