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Test Medicina Inglese: Manuale di teoria
Nozioni teoriche ed esercizi commentati per la preparazione ai test di ammissione
24,00 €


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Teoria ed esercizi - Test Medicina Inglese

Il manuale per la preparazione ai test di ammissione a Medicina e Chirurgia in Lingua Inglese contiene tutte le conoscenze teoriche necessarie per affrontare la prova e una raccolta di quiz svolti, oltre a una serie di informazioni utili sulla struttura dei test e sull'offerta formativa.

Il volume è organizzato in due sezioni:

  • la prima sezione, Studio (completamente in inglese), comprende tutte le materie d'esame (Logical Reasoning, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics) trattate in maniera approfondita sulla base delle prove ufficiali degli ultimi anni

  • la seconda sezione, Esercitazione, raccoglie numerosi quesiti in inglese risolti e commentati in italiano. I quiz, ripartiti per materia, consentono un utile ripasso delle nozioni teoriche e al contempo offrono la possibilità di mettersi alla prova con quesiti analoghi a quelli realmente somministrati

Attraverso il codice personale contenuto nella prima pagina del volume è possibile accedere a una serie di servizi riservati ai clienti tra cui la versione e-book (scaricabile su tablet e pc) e il software di simulazione online per effettuare infinite esercitazioni.

L'esame di ammissione
1 Caratteristiche del test
2 Come affrontare la prova

Chapter 1 Critical Thinking and problem solving

1.1 Understanding argument 1: basic aspects
1.2. Understanding argument 2: flaws; types of questions
1.3. Understanding argument 3: example argument
1.4 Critical thinking: Venn diagrams and logic statements
1.5 Problem solving
1.6 Shape symmetry

Chapter 2 Maths review
2.1 Mental arithmetic review 1: basic operations
2.2 Mental arithmetic review 2: further operations
2.3 Fractions 1: basic arithmetic
2.4 Fractions 2: improper fractions; ratios
2.5 Decimals 1: fraction/decimal conversions and basic arithmetic
2.6 Decimals 2: rounding (decimal place, significant figure) and standard form
2.7 Percentages and percentage change
2.8 Time and clocks
2.9 Areas, perimeters, volumes and surface area
2.10 Algebra 1: substitution and re-arranging
2.11 Algebra 2: simultaneous and quadratic equations
2.12.Averages: mean, median, mode; weighted
2.13 Graphs
2.14 Cumulative frequency, box and whisker plots
2.15 Geometry 1: angles and lines, triangles, other shapes
2.16 Geometry 2: Pythagoras and trigonometric functions
2.17 Circle theorems
2.18 Inequalities
2.19 Probability 1: basic concepts
2.20 Probability 2: tree diagrams
2.21.Permutations and combinations

Chapter 3 Physics review
3.1 Measurements and prefixes
3.2. Conventions for units, symbols and numbers
3.3 SI base units for length, volume, mass
3.4 Equations of motion
3.5 Graphs of motion
3.6 Projectile motion
3.7 Force and motion (Newton)
3.8 Force, work, power and energy
3.9 Universal gravitation, satellites and escape velocity
3.10 Force, momentum and impulse
3.11 Force, stress and strain
3.12 Moments, mechanical advantage, levers and pulleys
3.13 Pressure, buoyancy and flow
3.14 Gas laws
3.15 Heat and energy
3.16 Waves (light and sound)
3.17 Electrostatics, capacitance and electricity
3.18 Kirchhoff’s circuit laws, resistors and capacitors
3.19 Electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
3.20 Radioactive decay

Chapter 4 Chemistry review
4.1 Atoms, electron configuration and valency
4.2 Periodic table
4.3 Bondings
4.4 The mole and balancing chemical equations (reactions)
4.5 Types of chemical reaction
4.6. Concentration and pH; reaction rates
4.7 Exothermic and endothermic reactions; Le Chatelier’s principle
4.8 Solids, liquids, gases; changes of state; thermochemistry
4.9 Electrochemistry, reactivity series and electrolysis
4.10 Carbon (organic) chemistry; fractional distillation

Chapter 5 Biology review
5.1 Digestive system
5.2 Respiratory system
5.3 Circulatory system
5.4 Nervous system; eye
5.5 Endocrine system; menstrual cycle hormones
5.6 Urinary system
5.7 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), genes and cell division
5.8 Patterns of inheritance


Verifica 1 Critical thinking and problem solving
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Verifica 2 Mathematics
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Verifica 3 Physics
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Verifica 4 Chemistry
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Verifica 4 Biology
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Verifica 4 General Knowledge
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