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Sports Medicine Conditions: Return to Play addresses the most important and challenging problems in sports medicine, determining the appropriate time for an athlete to return to play. With this handy resource, you’ll explore the latest imaging diagnostics, and get vital information on surgical and non-surgical therapies for athletic injuries.
Look inside and discover…
• Injury-based organization lets you find the facts you need quickly
• Two-page spread format for each injury lets you find practical solutions at a glance
• Consistent presentation covers History/Mechanism of Injury, Physical Examination, Imaging, Classification, Operative and Nonoperative Treatments, Rehabilitation Principles, and Return to Play
• Expert perspectives let you benefit from the experience of orthopedics, sports medicine, and physical therapy professionals
• Abundant original composite illustrations that clearly demonstrate operative procedures for these injuries
Chapter 1 Shoulder and Arm 1
Edited by Mark D. Miller
Shoulder Arthroscopy…2
Debridement/Loose Body Removal/ Synovectomy…4
Distal Clavicle Resection…8
Lysis of Adhesions/Manipulation Under Anesthesia…10
Anterior Bankart Repair/Capsulorrhaphy…14
Posterior Bankart Repair/Capsulorrhaphy…16
SLAP Repair…18
Biceps Tenodesis…20
Rotator Cuff Repair…28
Pectoralis Major Repair…32
Subscapularis Tendon Repair…34
Release of Neurovascular Entrapment…36
Coracoclavicular Ligament Repair/ Reconstruction…38
Sternoclavicular Procedures…40
Articular Cartilage Procedures…42
Shoulder Arthroplasty…44
ORIF Clavicle Fractures…46
ORIF Proximal Humerus Fractures…48
ORIF Humeral Shaft Fractures…50
Chapter 2 Elbow and Forearm 53
Edited by A. Bobby Chhabra
Elbow Arthroscopy…54
Elbow Articular Cartilage Surgery…56
Elbow Ulnar (Medial) Collateral Ligament
Reconstruction (Tommy John Procedure)…58
Lateral Elbow Collateral Ligament Reconstruction…60
Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture…62
Cubital Tunnel Decompression/Ulnar Nerve Transposition…64
Radial Tunnel/PIN Release…66
Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis
Releases for Loss of Motion…70
Valgus Extension Overload Debridement…72
ORIF Elbow Fractures…74
ORIF Forearm Fractures…76
Chapter 3 Wrist and Hand 79
Edited by A. Bobby Chhabra
Wrist Arthroscopy…80
Scapholunate Ligament Repair…82
Wrist Fusion…84
TFCC Debridement/Repair…86
Tenosynovitis Decompression…90
Wrist Ganglion Excision…92
Carpal Tunnel Release…94
Guyon’s Canal (Ulnar Nerve Compression
at the Wrist) Release…96
Trigger Finger Release…98
Jersey Finger/Flexor Tendon Repair…100
Digital Extensor Tendon Repair…102
Thumb UCL Repair…104
ORIF Distal Radius Fractures…106
ORIF Scaphoid Fractures…108
Excision of Hamate Hook Fractures…110
ORIF Metacarpal Fractures…112
ORIF Phalangeal Fractures…114
ORIF Thumb Fractures…116
Chapter 4 Spine 119
Edited by Francis H. Shen
Anterior Cervical Decompression/ Discectomy…120
Posterior Cervical Decompression/ Discectomy…124
Cervical Fusion…126
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) of Cervical Fractures…130
Thoracolumbar Decompression…132
Thoracolumbar Fusion…140
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Thoracolumbar Fractures…142
Chapter 5 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 145
Edited by Brian Busconi
Hip Arthroscopy…146
Sports Hernia Repair…148
Snapping Hip Release…150
Nerve Releases…154
Repair of Proximal Hamstring Avulsions…156
Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)…158
Hip Arthroplasty…160
ORIF Hip Fractures…162
ORIF Femur Fractures…164
Chapter 6 Knee and Leg 167
Edited by Mark D. Miller
Knee Arthroscopy…168
Arthroscopy Synovectomy and Lateral Release…170
Meniscal Repair…174
Meniscal Transplantation…176
Articular Cartilage Procedures…178
ACL Reconstruction…180
PCL Reconstruction…184
LCL/PLC Reconstruction…188
MCL/Posteromedial Corner Reconstruction…190
Avulsion Fractures…192
Lysis of Adhesions/Manipulation Under Anesthesia…194
Arthroplasty (Knee Replacement)…198
Proximal Patellar Realignment…200
Distal Patellar Realignment…202
Quadriceps and Patellar Tendon
Nerve Decompression…206
ORIF Patella Fracture…210
ORIF Distal Femoral Fractures…212
ORIF Tibial Plateau Fractures…214
ORIF Tibial Shaft Fractures…216
Chapter 7 Ankle and Foot 219
Edited by Joseph S. Park
Ankle Arthroscopy…220
Tibiotalar Impingement
Talar Articular Cartilage Procedures…224
Ankle Stabilization Procedures…226
Achilles Tendon Surgery…228
Posterior Tibialis Tendon Surgery…230
Peroneal Tendon Surgery…232
Plantar Plate Injuries/Turf Toe…234
Bunion/Bunionette Surgery…236
Cheilectomy (for Hallux Rigidus)…238
Os Trigonum Excision…240
Plantar Fascia Release…242
Release of Nerve Entrapment…244
Open Reduction Internal Fixation Syndesmotic Injuries…246
ORIF Ankle Fractures…248
ORIF Talar Fractures…250
ORIF Calcaneal Fractures…252
ORIF Fifth Metatarsal ( Jones) Fractures…254
ORIF Lisfranc Injuries…256
ORIF Metatarsal and Phalangeal
Chapter 8 Primary Care
Medicine 265
Edited by Dilaawar Mistry, Siobhan M. Statuta, April Due, Jon Vivolo
Section 1: Ears…266
Section 2: Eyes…272
Section 3: Nose…281
Section 4: Mouth…289
Section 5: Cardiopulmonary…299
Section 6: Abdomen/Pelvis…322
Section 7: Dermatologic…339
Section 8: Neurologic…348
Section 9: Musculoskeletal…360
Section 10: Endocrine…364
Section 11: Hematologic…368
Section 12: Environmental…375
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