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Sports Injuries
Hutson, Speed
Oxford University Press
222,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Organised by anatomical region and also by sport, to allow easy access to information
  • Covers basic sciences such as functional anatomy, tissue injury and repair, and clinical principles such as examination techniques and treatment to further enhance understanding
  • Contains full colour illustrations throughout to aid diagnosis
  • Written by a team of internationally-renowned contributors

The current high profile in the UK of sports and exercise medicine has been reflected in recent years by its acceptance as a stand-alone specialty and the development of the faculty of sports and exercise medicine. Written by a truly multinational list of contributors who work within, and represent the cutting edge of the discipline, Sports Injuries is in full colour throughout and contains hundreds of illustrations to aid diagnosis and understanding. It is organised by anatomical region and by sport, and also covers basic sciences such as functional anatomy, tissue injury and repair, and principles of examination and treatment to further enhance understanding.

Based on the 2001 title Sports Injuries: Recognition and Management 3rd edition, also edited by Michael Hutson, this textbook will be invaluable to those clinicians who are involved with, or anticipate involvement with, sports people and those exercising for health benefits or for pleasure, many of whom will be in need of expert advice following injury. Professionals whose careers lead them into regular contact with the exercising public, whether it is as therapists, coaches, trainers, administrators or executives, will also wish to find a place on their bookshelves for this comprehensive text on the adverse consequences of exercise.

Readership: Sports and exercise physicians, sports and orthopaedic physiotherapists, musculoskeletal physicians, sports scientists and trainers, osteopaths and chiropractors, orthopaedic surgeons, rheumatologists, and all clinicians working in the field of sports injuries.

Tissue injury and repair
1.1: Tendon and ligament biochemistry and pathology
1.2: Muscle
1.3: Meniscus
1.4: The intervertebral disc and the spine
1.5: Articular cartilage
1.6: Bone
1.7: Training
1.8: Principles of biomechanics and their use in the analysis of injuries and technique
1.9: Gait analysis
1.10: Epidemiology and injury surveillance in sports medicine
2.1: Assessment and management
2.2: Radiology
2.3: Neurophysiological investigation of injuries sustained in sport
2.4: Therapeutic modalities
2.5: Pharmacological pain management in sports injuries
2.6: Injection therapies in sports injuries
2.7: Orthotics
2.8: Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
2.9: Surgical issues in sports medicine
3.1: Ocular sports injuries
3.2: Intracranial injuries
3.3: Oral and maxillofacial sports injuries
3.4: Regional injuries of the cervical spine
3.5: Injuries to the shoulder
3.6: Injuries to the elbow and forearm
3.7: Injuries to the thoracolumbar spine and thorax
3.8: Injuries to the pelvis, hip and thigh
3.9: Orthopaedic injuries to the hand and wrist
3.10: Soft tissue conditions of the hand and wrist
3.11: Injuries to the lower leg
3.12: Knee injuries
3.13: Ankle injuries
3.14: Injuries to the foot
Special groups
4.1: Sports injuries in older people
4.2: Sports injuries in children
4.3: Injuries in the female athlete
4.4: Disability sport
Emergency medical care of on-field injuries
4.5: Emergency medical care of on-field injuries
Sport-specific injuries
4.6: Injuries in swimming and related aquatic sports
4.7: Triathlon injuries
4.8: Running injuries
4.9: Injuries in field (throwing and jumping) events
4.10: Golf injuries
4.11: Injuries in gymnastics
4.12: Cycling injuries
4.13: Injuries in netball and basketball
4.14: Rowing injuries
4.15: Cricket injuries
4.16: Soccer injuries
4.17: Injuries in rugby union
4.18: Boxing injuries
4.19: Skiing injuries
4.20: Tennis injuries
4.21: Badminton injuries
4.22: Squash injuries


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