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A spinal cord injury (SCI) profoundly changes a person life and can affect nearly all of the body systems. Practitioners managing persons with SCI must treat the medical complications that arise, and be equipped to help their patients return to a productive integrated life within society. Spinal Cord Injury: Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference provides the necessary knowledge to help facilitate this process. Addressing over one hundred varied topics related to spinal cord injury, ranging from Treatment of Vocal Fold Paralysis or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders to Intrathecal Pump Management and Paraplegia, this text is a handy reference for the busy practitioner. Presented in a consistent two-page format for maximum clinical utility, the book is organized into three sections. The first covers the medical and psychological conditions associated with spinal cord injury; the second discusses common interventions; while the last outlines expected functional outcomes.
Edited by Ralph Buschbacher, MD, the Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Reference series is designed for the busy practitioner. The texts provide quick answers when diagnosing and treating common or more complex rehabilitation issues. All volumes in the series present the listed conditions in a read at-a-glance format with consistent headings for easy access to key information. Every entry is standardized for quick look-up in the office or clinic, and features description, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, natural history, diagnosis, red flags, treatment, prognosis, helpful hints, and suggested readings. All Rehabilitation Medicine Quick Referencetitles offer:
Conditions: 1. Airway Issues: Tracheal Stenosis; 2. Airway Issues: Vocal Fold Paralysis; 3. Autonomic Nervous System Issues: Autonomic Dysreflexia; 4. Autonomic Nervous System Issues: Bradycardia; 5. Autonomic Nervous System Issues: Orthostatic Hypotension; 6. Autonomic Nervous System Issues: Spinal Shock; 7. Autonomic Nervous System Issues: Thermal Dysregulation and Fever; 8. Bladder Dysfunction: Lower Motor Neuron; 9. Bladder Dysfunction: Upper Motor Neuron; 10. Bladder Dysfunction: Urinary Tract Infections; 11. Bladder Dysfunction: Urolithiasis; 12. Bladder Dysfunction: Vesicoureteral Reflux and Hydronephrosis; 13. Bowel Dysfunction: Lower Motor Neuron; 14. Bowel Dysfunction: Upper Motor Neuron; 15. Cardiovascular Issues: Cardiovascular Disease; 16. Cardiovascular Issues: Dyslipidemia; 17. Dysphagia; 18. Endocrine Issues: Glucose Intolerance; 19. Endocrine Issues: Hypercalcemia; 20. Endocrine Issues: Hypogonadism; 21. Endocrine Issues: Osteoporosis; 22. Geriatric Spinal Cord Injury; 23. Mononeuropathies; 24. Musculoskeletal Issues: Back Pain; 25. Musculoskeletal Issues: Contracture; 26. Musculoskeletal Issues: Heterotopic Ossification; 27. Musculoskeletal Issues: Osteoporotic Limb Fractures; 28. Musculoskeletal Issues: Shoulder Pain; 29. Neuropathic Pain: At and Below Level; 30. Nontraumatic Spinal Cord Injury; 31. Obesity; 32. Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury; 33. Pressure Ulcers; 34. Psychological Issues: Adjustment; 35. Psychological Issues: Depression and Anxiety; 36. Psychological Issues: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; 37. Pulmonary Issues: Atelectasis; Pneumonia; and Pleural Effusions; 38. Sexuality and Reproductive Issues: Erectile Dysfunction; 39. Sexuality and Reproductive Issues: Pregnancy; 40. Sleep Apnea; 41. Spasticity; 42. Spinal Fractures; 43. Spinal Instability; 44. Syndromes: Anterior Cord; 45. Syndromes: Brown-SÈquard; 46. Syndromes: Cauda Equina; 47. Syndromes: Central Cord; 48. Syndromes: Conus Medullaris; 49. Syndromes: Posterior Cord; 50. Syringomyelia and Tethered Cord; 51. Thromboembolic Disease; 52. Traumatic Brain Injury; Interventions: 53. Airway Management: Tracheostomy; 54. Bladder Management: Indwelling Urinary Catheters; 55. Bladder Management: Intermittent Catheterization; 56. Bladder Management: Sphincterotomy and Endourethral Stenting; 57. Bladder Management: Urinary Diversion and Bladder Augmentation; 58. Bladder Management: Urodynamic Testing; 59. Bowel Management: Antegrade Continence Enema; 60. Cardiovascular Exercise; 61. Communicating While Using a Ventilator; 62. Health Maintenance; 63. Home Modifications 64. Inferior Vena Cava Filters; 65. Intrathecal Pump: Evaluation and Placement; 66. Intrathecal Pump: Management; 67. Limb Orthoses; 68. Neurologic Classification of Spinal Cord Injury; 69. Neurologic Examination: Motor Testing; 70. Neurologic Examination: Motor Testing; Lower Myotomes; 71. Neurologic Examination: Motor Testing; Upper Myotomes; 72. Neurologic Examination: Rectal Examination; 73. Neurologic Examination: Sensory Testing; 74. Neurologic Examination: Sensory Testing; Dermatomes; 75. Pharmacological and Thermal Treatment of Acute Spinal Cord Injury; 76. Pulmonary Management: Glossopharyrngeal Breathing; 77. Pulmonary Management: Phrenic Nerve and Diaphragm Pacing; 78. Pulmonary Management: Secretion Removal; 79. Pulmonary Management: Ventilator Management; 80. Restorative Therapies: Body Weight Supported Ambulation; 81. Restorative Therapies: Functional Electrical Stimulation; 82. Sexuality and Reproduction: Electroejaculation and Vibratory Ejaculation; 83. Sexuality and Reproduction: Labor and Delivery; 84. Skin Management: Pressure Ulcers; 85. Skin Management: Surgery for Pressure Ulcers; 86. Skin Management: Wheelchair Seat Cushions and Bed Support Surfaces; 87. Spinal Decompression; Fusion; and Instrumentation; 88. Spinal Orthoses; 89. Spinal Orthoses: Halo Placement and Management; 90. Tendon Transfers; 91. Wheelchair Prescription: Manual; 92. Wheelchair Prescription: Power; Outcomes: 93. Wheelchair Skills: Manual; 94. C1 to C3 Tetraplegia; 95. C4 Tetraplegia; 96. C5 Tetraplegia; 97. C6 Tetraplegia; 98. C7 Tetraplegia; 99. C8 Tetraplegia; 100. T1 to T9 Paraplegia; 101. T10 to L1 Paraplegia; 102. L2 to S5 Paraplegia
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