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Speech Sound Disorders in Children in Honor of Lawrence D. Shriberg
Paul, Flipsen
Plural Publishing
68,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Written in honor of Lawrence D. Shriberg, Speech Sound Disorders in Children covers a variety of perspectives and disciplines on the way in which children's speech sounds develop and the difficulties in both specific speech disorders and the speech of children with other primary disabilities.


  • Chapter 1. Childhood Speech Sound Disorders: From Post-Behaviorism to the Postgenomic Era
    Lawrence D. Shriberg
  • Chapter 2. Explaining Developmental Disorders
    Bruce Tomblin and Morton H. Christiansen
  • Chapter 3. Genetic Influences on Speech Sound Disorders
    Barbara A. Lewis, Ph.D.
  • Chapter 4. Subgroups, Comorbidity, and Treatment Implications
    Ann A. Tyler
  • Chapter 5. Children’s Speech Sound Disorders: An Acoustic Perspective
    Raymond D. Kent, Luciana Pagan-Neves, Katherine C. Hustad, and Haydee Fiszein Wertzner
  • Chapter 6. Computer Processing for Analysis of Speech Disorders
    John-Paul Hosum
  • Chapter 7. Motor Speech Disorders in Children with Autism
    Shelley L. Velleman, Mary V. Andrianopoulos, Marcil Boucher, Jennifer Perkins, Keren Averback, Alyssa Currier, Michael Marsello, Courtney Lippe, and Richard Van Emmerik
  • Chapter 8. Acoustic Properties of Vocalizations in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
    Elizabeth Schoen, Rhea Paul, and Katyrzyna Chawarska
  • Chapter 9. Understanding Speech Sound change in Young children following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
    Thomas Campbell, Christine Dollaghan, and Janine Janosky
  • Chapter 10. Factors Associated with the Intelligibility of Conversational Speech Produced by Children with Cochlear Implants
    Peter Flipsen Jr.



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