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Ryan's Ballistic Trauma
Brooks, A.J.; Clasper, J.; Midwinter, M.; Hodgetts, T.J.; Mahoney, P.F
180,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Relevant for consultants and senior trainees in surgery, anesthesia and emergency medicine who are likely to be involved in the management of these unique injuries
  • More than 200 illustrations
  • It will be an essential reference for pre-hospital care providers and nurses working in the emergency room and intensive care
Ryan's Ballistic Trauma 3rd Edition provides a concise guide to the clinical and operational issues surrounding the management of the ballistic casualty. This book crystallizes the knowledge and experience accrued by those dealing with ballistic trauma on a regular basis and extends this to those who have to manage these patients on an occasional basis only. Ryan's Ballistic Trauma 3rd Edition is a valuable reference tool for all medical and paramedical personnel involved in the care of patients with ballistic injury. It is especially relevant for consultants and senior trainees in surgery, anesthesia and emergency medicine who are likely to be involved in the management of these unique injuries. This book is essential reading for pre-hospital care providers and nurses working in the emergency room, as well as military surgeons and medical and nursing staff on deployment in regions of conflict.

Part I Personal Views
1 A Personal View................................................................................................... 3
James M. Ryan
2 A Personal Experience........................................................................................ 15
Damian Douglas Keene
3 The War in West Philadelphia............................................................................ 19
John P. Pryor†
Part II Weapons, Blast and Ballistics
4 How Guns Work.................................................................................................. 23
Mark Byers, Kerry Starkey, and Peter F. Mahoney
5 The Effects of Bullets........................................................................................... 37
Donald H. Jenkins
6 Bombs, Mines, and Fragmentation.................................................................... 41
Toney W. Baskin and John B. Holcomb
7 Cluster Munitions................................................................................................ 57
Henry Dowlen
8 Shaped Charges and Explosively Formed Projectiles...................................... 67
Jonathan Morrison and Peter F. Mahoney
9 Suicide Bombs...................................................................................................... 79
Piers R.J. Page and Ian Greaves
10 Blast Injury........................................................................................................... 87
Emrys Kirkman, Neal Jacobs, Giles R. Nordmann, Stuart Harrisson,
Peter F. Mahoney, and Sarah Watts
xviii Contents
11 Ballistic Protection............................................................................................... 125
Alan Hepper, Daniel Longhurst, Graham Cooper, and Philip Gotts
12 Forensic Aspects of Ballistic Injury................................................................... 149
Jeanine Vellema and Hendrik Scholtz
Part III Trauma Systems
13 Civilian Trauma Systems.................................................................................... 179
Jason Smith
14 The UK Military Trauma System...................................................................... 185
Timothy J. Hodgetts
Part IV Prehospital and the Emergency Room
15 Triage.................................................................................................................... 199
Rob Russell
16 Prehospital Care.................................................................................................. 207
Mark Byers, John-Joe Reilly, and Peter F. Mahoney
17 Emergency Department Management............................................................... 221
Jason Smith
18 Imaging Triage for Ballistic Trauma................................................................. 231
Jon David Simmons and Tracy R. Bilski
Part V Advanced Resuscitation and Anaesthesia
Section Editor: Chester C. Buckenmaier, III
19 Damage Control Resuscitation........................................................................... 251
Adam J. Brooks and Bryan A. Cotton
20 Battlefield Analgesia............................................................................................ 263
Aaron D. Nelson and Dominic J. Aldington
21 Anesthesia for the Ballistic Casualty.................................................................. 287
Craig C. McFarland
22 Regional Anesthesia for the Ballistic Trauma Victim...................................... 297
Dan Connor
Contents xix
Part VI Clinical Care
23 Damage Control Surgery: Concepts.................................................................. 317
Mark J. Midwinter and Adam J. Brooks
24 Management of Ballistic Trauma to the Head.................................................. 323
Geoffrey S.F. Ling, Chris J. Neal, and James M. Ecklund
25 Spinal Injury........................................................................................................ 341
Neil Buxton
26 Eyes....................................................................................................................... 349
Robert A.H. Scott
27 Maxillofacial Ballistic Injuries............................................................................ 379
Andrew Martin Monaghan
28 Neck Injury........................................................................................................... 395
Matthew J. Borkon and Bryan A. Cotton
29 Damage Control................................................................................................... 419
Benjamin Braslow, Adam J. Brooks, and C. William Schwab
30 Management of Vascular Trauma...................................................................... 439
Kate Brown and Nigel Tai
31 Damage Control Part III: Definitive Reconstruction....................................... 453
Steven R. Allen, Adam J. Brooks, Patrick M. Reilly,
and Bryan A. Cotton
32 Penetrating Genitourinary Trauma................................................................... 461
Jay J. Doucet and David B. Hoyt
33 Burns.................................................................................................................... 483
Alan Kay
34 Management of Extremity Injuries.................................................................... 503
David E. Hinsley and Jon Clasper
35 Ballistic Trauma in Children.............................................................................. 529
Graeme Pitcher
xx Contents
36 Ballistic Trauma in Pregnancy........................................................................... 549
Michael J. Socher and Peter E. Nielsen
37 Managing Ballistic Injury in the NGO Environment....................................... 561
Ari K. Leppäniemi
Part VII Critical Care
38 Critical Care for Ballistic Trauma in Austere Environments......................... 585
Christian B. Swift and Geoffrey S.F. Ling
39 Transfer and Evacuation..................................................................................... 597
Robert D. Tipping and Jonathan Vollam
40 Critical Care Management: The Patient with Ballistic Trauma..................... 613
Tim Nutbeam and Damian Douglas Keene
41 Critical Care Nursing at Role Four................................................................... 629
Clare Dutton
42 The Role of Nutrition in the Treatments of Injured
Military Personnel............................................................................................... 633
Susan Duff, Susan Price, and Jennifer Gray
Part VIII Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
43 Role 4 and Reconstruction.................................................................................. 657
Steven L.A. Jeffery and Keith Porter
44 Conflict Rehabilitation........................................................................................ 669
John Etherington
Part IX And Finally
45 Have You Read MASH?...................................................................................... 693
Peter F. Mahoney
Index.............................................................................................................................. 699


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