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Respiratory Care Clinical Competency Lab Manual
60,00 €
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Respiratory Care Clinical Competency Lab Manual provides the practical skills needed to apply classroom theory to clinical practice. This text has the flexibility to be used in conjunction with all other respiratory care titles, as well as in other disciplines that require competencies in respiratory therapy. With detailed, step-by-step procedures, supporting procedural illustrations, hands-on lab exercises, case studies, and critical thinking questions, this text helps you understand and apply theoretical knowledge by demonstrating specific skills. Procedural competency evaluation forms help you to assess your progress and performance of specific procedures.

Author Info
By Sandra T Hinski, MS, RRT-NPS, Faculty Respiratory Care Division Gateway Community College Phoenix, Arizona


Table of Contents:

Section 1: Foundations for Clinical Practice






Section 2: Interpreting Data Relating to Patient Care







Section 3: Basic Therapeutics







Section 4: Pulmonary Pharmacology



Section 5: Critical Care Environment







Section 6: Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care


Section 7: Additional Settings and Opportunities for Respiratory Care




Section 8: Preparing to Enter the Respiratory Care Profession


  1. Quality and Evidence-Based Respiratory Care
  2. Patient Safety, Communication and Medical Records
  3. Principles of Infection Control
  4. Patient Assessment
  5. Preparing for Clinical Rotations
  6. Interpreting Clinical Lab Data
  7. ECG Interpretation
  8. Hemodynamic Monitoring
  9. Analysis, Sampling and Monitoring of Gas Exchange
  10. Pulmonary Function Testing
  11. Chest X-Ray and Imaging Interpretation
  12. Airway Management
  13. Emergency Life Support
  14. Humidity and Bland Aerosol Therapy
  15. Storage and Delivery of Medical Gases
  16. Medical Gas Therapy
  17. Lung Expansion Therapy
  18. Airway Pharmacology
  19. Delivery Devices
  20. Mechanical Ventilators
  21. Noninvasive Ventilatory Support
  22. Invasive Ventilatory Support
  23. Monitoring and Management of the ICU Patient
  24. Venous Access
  25. Discontinuing Ventilatory Support
  26. Respiratory Care of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients
  27. Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
  28. Polysomnography
  29. Home Care and Transport
  30. Interviewing and Preparing to Enter the Respiratory Care Profession

Lab Activities

Procedural Assessment Forms

Answer Key to Lab Activities and Review Questions

Appendix A: Normal/Common Values

Appendix B: AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines



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