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Reinterventions in vascular and endovascular surgery
Minerva Medica
30,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book summarizes all the possible types of reintervention in all vascular fields for both acute complication or late failure after open surgery and endovascular procedures.
The technological improvement associated with new skills in treatment of aortic and peripheral vascular diseases has led to an increase in life expectancy in vascular patients. In daily practice, vascular surgeons deal with patients and lesions of great complexity. New techniques are now available to manage most of the clinical conditions. Reinterventions after both classical open surgery and endovascular procedures are more and more frequent, representing one of the most important part of the daily activity of a vascular surgery unit.
New endovascular techniques represent a safe, effective and quite simple solution in most cases of reintervention. However, in many sitations open surgery still remains the only viable procedure, also considering that the presence of a pre-existent scar is a negative predicting factor for surgery.
Ethical rules compel to take on a new challenge every day, searching for the best care for every patient.

Reinterventions in vascular and endovascular carotid surgery
Secondary procedures in thoracic aorta
Spinal cord ischemia after aortic surgery
Mesenteric ischemia after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: a systemic review
Reinterventions in the superficial femoral artery
Prosthesis infection: prevention and treatment
Vascular access: a never-ending story
Redo surgery in ascending aorta and aortic
Contemporary management of critical lower limb ischemia in TASC D lesions with subintimal angioplasty in femoropopliteal lesions, tibial angioplasty and sequential compression biomechanical device for infra-inguinal arterial occlusion. Experience and quality of life outcome learned over 25 years


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