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Three-dimensional (3D) transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a powerful visual tool which the novice or experienced echocardiographer, cardiologist, or cardiac surgeon can use to achieve a better understanding and assessment of normal and pathological cardiac function and anatomy. A complement to traditional 2D imaging, 3D TEE enables visualization of any cardiac structure from multiple perspectives. For the echocardiographer, it demands a different set of skills for image acquisition and manipulation.
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography is a practical illustrated step-by-step guide to the latest in 3D technology and image acquisition. Each chapter systematically focuses on different cardiac structures with practical tips to image acquisition.
1 Technology and 3D Imaging .................................................... 1
2 TEE Basic Views 3D Imaging ................................................ 25
3 Native Cardiac Valves ............................................................ 53
4 Cardiac Prosthetic Valves ................................................... 113
5 Left and Right Ventricles ..................................................... 131
6 Cardiomyopathy ................................................................... 157
7 Aorta ...................................................................................... 171
8 Cardiac Masses 3D Imaging ................................................ 183
9 Congenital Heart 3D Imaging .............................................. 199
10 Miscellaneous 3D Imaging ................................................... 217
....................................................................... 2 29
Index............................................................................................. 231
Illustration Credits
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