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Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Peri-Operative Pain Relief
Harmon, Barrett, Loughnane, Finucane, Shorten
119,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The new edition of this practical multimedia resource shows you exactly how to perform successfully a full range of peripheral nerve block techniques. Over four hundred illustrations, the majority of which are in colour, plus online video clips, portray the relevant surface anatomy, the internal anatomy, the ultrasonographic anatomy to vividly depict correct needle placement in real patients.

Author Info
By Dominic Harmon, FFARCS(I), FRCA, MD, Professor of Pain Medicine, Mid-Western Regional Hospital, Dooradoyle, Limerick, Ireland; Jack Barrett, FFARCS(I), Dip(Pain Medicine), Consultant Anaesthetist, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University College Cork, Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland; Frank Loughnane, FCA (RCSI), Consultant in Anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesia, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK; Brendan T. Finucane, FRCA, FRCPC, Professor and Residency Program Director, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and George Shorten, FFARCS(I) FRCA,MD, PhD, Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University College Cork and Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland; formerly, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA


Table of Contents:
Section A. Principles

1. Introduction (How to use this atlas and CD Rom)

2. Regional anaesthesia in perspective – history, current role and the future

3. Mechanism of action of local anaesthetics

4. General – indications and contraindications

5. Complications, toxicity and safety

6. Peripheral nerve blockade materials

7. Principles of ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blockade.

8. Ambulatory peripheral nerve blockade.

9. Which block for which surgery.

10. Design and implementation of a training programme in PNB.

Section B. Peripheral nerve blocks

11. Cervical plexus blockade

12. Orbital blocks

13. Wound local anesthetic infusions

14. Brachial plexus anatomy

15. Interscalene block

16. Supraclavicular block

17. Suprascapular block

18. Axillary Block.

19. Infraclavicular block

20. Mid-humeral block
21. Elbow blocks

22. Wrist blocks

23. Lumbar and sacral plexus anatomy

24. Posterior sciatic nevre block

25. Anterior scitic nerve block

26. Femoral nerve block

27. Psoas block

28. Iliacus block

29. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh block

30. Popliteal block

31. Ankle block

32. Paravertebral block

33. Intercostal block

34. Trans Abdominis Pane Block

35. Inguinal field block


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