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Libreria medica internazionale
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Percutaneous Image-Guided Biopsy
Ahrar, Gupta
175,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • About this book

  • Covers the entire spectrum of applications for percutaneous image-guided biopsy
  • Thoroughly filled with high-quality radiologic images, illustrative diagrams and tables
  • Written by leading clinical authorities
  • Showcases the most recent advances in technology and technique
  • Suitable for all levels of radiologists in training and practice

This book is a state-of-the art reference to all aspects of percutaneous image-guided biopsy.  It highlights various approaches to specific anatomic sites, describes potential complications of the procedure, and outlines management strategies. Featuring an extensive collection of radiological images as well as clinical case studies, illustrative diagrams, and tables, the book synthesizes the rationale, technique, and patient outcomes of percutaneous image-guided biopsy.  In light of the growing number of indications for targeted tissue acquisition, it is a valuable guide for interventional and diagnostic radiologists who perform image-guided biopsies.     


The book includes coverage of these topics:

·         Biopsy devices and techniques

·         Fundamentals of CT-, ultrasound-, MRI-, and fluoroscopy-guided biopsy

·         Specific anatomical approaches to lesions in difficult locations including the head and neck, mediastinum, spine and pelvis

·         Biopsy of solid organs including liver, kidney, adrenal gland, spleen, pancreas and others

·         Biopsy of musculoskeletal lesions

Table of contents


Developing a new biopsy service or refining an existing program:

Clinical Applications:

I. Head and Neck Biopsies

II. Chest Biopsies:

III. Abdominal Biopsies:

IV. Pelvic Biopsies:

V. Musculoskeletal Biopsies:

  1. The role of biopsy in management of patients with tumors and tumor-like lesions
  2. Modern imaging technology: the foundation for image guided biopsy
  3. Tools of the trade: from simple needles to robotics
  4. Sampling and pathology considerations
  5. Patient assessment and care before, during, and after biopsy
  6. Coding and billing
  7. Head and Neck Masses
  8. Thyroid Gland
  9. Lung
  10. Mediastinum
  11. Pleura
  12. Liver
  13. Pancreas
  14. Spleen
  15. Adrenal Gland
  16. Kidney
  17. Omentum
  18. Mesenteric and Retroperitoneal Nodes and Soft Tissue Masses
  19. Pelvic Masses
  20. Prostate
  21. Skull
  22. Spine
  23. Pelvic Bones
  24. Extremities
  25. Chest Wall and Ribs
  26. Soft Tissue Masses

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