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Revised and updated for its Fifth Edition, Pathophysiology of Heart Disease delivers a concise, easy-to-understand introduction to cardiovascular diseases. This best-selling text is written by internationally recognized Harvard Medical School faculty and select medical students and specifically designed to meet the needs of medical students during their initial encounters with patients with heart disease. This edition has improved consistency of coverage and level of detail and enhanced illustrations.
A companion website on thePoint will include the fully searchable text and audio heart sounds, plus an image bank for faculty.
--NEW: Conversion of approximately 20 1-color line drawings to 2-color to make more use of 2-color
--NEW: Redrawing of approximately 15 existing 2-color line drawings to improve quality and presentation and consistency throughout book
--NEW: Improved consistency of coverage and level of detail from chapter to chapter as well as in chapter summaries
--NEW: Updated coverage
--Chapter outlines, end-of-chapter summaries, suggested readings lists
--Chapters grouped by major cardiovascular disorders
--Clinical boxes
--Consistent chapter organization: Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Features, Diagnostic Approach, Treatment
--Numerous diagrams, images, and tables
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