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Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes
Wass, Stewart
Oxford University Press
180,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Completely revised and updated since publication of the highly-valued first edition in 2002, the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes second edition provides an up-to-date, stimulating and comprehensive account of endocrinology and diabetes. Containing first rate, pragmatic advice on diagnosis and clear guidelines for recommended management, it also covers the scientific principles that underlie medical practice.

Now available in paperback, this two volume pack presents 254 chapters, organised into 13 sections for easy-access to the relevant information. Each chapter is written by an internationally-acknowledged expert, relates basic science to evidence based guidelines and clinical management, and where appropriate offers an outline of the controversies in the field. The textbook has an international focus, and where possible deals with medical practice in countries without advanced medical resources.

Principles of international endocrine Practice
1.1: A history of endocrinology
1.2: Prevention in endocrinology
1.3: Endocrinology and evolution: lessons from comparative endocrinology
1.4: Hormones and receptors: fundamental considerations
1.5: Molecular basis of hormonal action
1.6: Endocrine autoimmunity
1.7: Measurement of circulating hormones
1.8: Endocrine disruptors
1.9: Sports endocrinology
Pituitary and hypothalmic diseases
2.1: Pituitary anatomy and physiology
2.2: The neurohypophysis
2.3: Aetiology, pathogenesis, and management of disease of the pituitary
2.4: Aetiology, pathogenesis, and management of disease of the hypothalamus
2.5: Pineal physiology and pathophysiology including pineal tumours
2.6: Neuropsychiatric endocrinological disorders
The thyroid
3.1: Evaluation of the thyroid patient
3.2: Aetiology of thryroid disorders
3.3: Thyrotoxicosis and related disorders
3.4: Hypothyroidism and pregancy- and growth-related thyroid disorders
3.5: Thyroid lumps
Parathyroid, calcium and bone metabolism
4.1: Parathyroid anatomy, hormone synthesis, secretion, action, receptors
4.2: Hypercalcaemia
4.3: Primary hyperparathyroidism
4.4: Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
4.5: Hypocalcaemic disorders, hypoparathyroidism, and pseudohypoparathyroidism
4.6: Hypercalcaemic and hypocalcaemic syndromes in children
4.7: Osteoporosis
4.8: Thyroid disease and osteoporosis
4.9: Paget's disease of bone
4.10: Rickets and osteomalacia (acquired and heritable forms) and skeletal dysplasias
4.11: Glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis
The adrenal gland and endocrine hypertension
5.1: Adrenal imaging
5.2: Adrenal surgery
5.3: Adrenal incidentaloma
5.4: Adrenocortical cancer
5.5: Phaeochromocytomas, paragangliomas, and neuroblastoma
5.6: Primary aldosteronism and other steriod-related causes of endocrine hypertension
5.7: Cushing's syndrome
5.8: Glucocorticoid resistance - the defect in glucocorticoid receptor
5.9: Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency)
5.10: Familial glucocorticoid deficiency syndromes- the defect ACTH receptor
5.11: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Neuroendocrine tumours and genetic disorders
6.1: An appraisal of the past and perspectives for the future
6.2: Neuroendocrine tumour markers
6.3: Neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumours and the carcinoid syndrome
6.4: Gastrinoma
6.5: Insulinomas and hypoglycaemia
6.6: Glucagonoma
6.7: VIPomas
6.8: Somatostatinomas
6.9: Imaging neuroendocrine tumours of the gastrointestinal tract
6.10: Mastocytosis
6.11: MEN1
6.12: MEN2
6.13: Von Hippel-Lindau disease and succinate dehydrogenase subunit (SDHB, SDHC and SDHD) genes
6.14: Neurofibromatosis
6.15: Carney's complex
6.16: Molecular and clinical characteristics of McCune Albrights syndrome
6.17: Cowden's syndrome
Growth and development during childhood
7.1: Normal growth and sexual development
7.2: Growth and sexual disorders in childhood
Female endocrinology and pregnancy
8.1: Female endocrinology and ovarian disorders
8.2: Pregancy-related disorders
Male endocrinology
9.1: Definitions and classifications of disorders
9.2: Normal male endocrinology
9.3: Evaluation of the male patient with suspected endocrinological disease
9.4: Male endocrinological disorders and male factor infertility
9.5: Exogenous factors and male reproductive health
Endocrinology of ageing and systemic disease
10.1: Ageing and the endocrine system
10.2: Endocrinology of systemic disease
Endocrinology of cancer
11.1: Secondary endocrine tumours, ectopic hormone syndromes, and effects of cancer treatment on endocrine function
11.2: Hormonal therapy for breast and prostatic cancers
Obesity, lipids and metabolic disorders
12.1: Epidemiology, aetiology, and management of obesity
12.2: Lipoprotein metabolism and related diseases
12.3: Other metabolic disorders
Diabetes mellitus
13.1: Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus
13.2: Aetiology and pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus
13.3: Aetiolology and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
13.4: Management of diabetes mellitus
13.5: Microvascular complications
13.6: Macrovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus
13.7: The diabetic foot
13.8: Mental health in diabetes mellitus
13.9: Organisation of diabetes care


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