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Libreria medica internazionale
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Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation
Drew Provan
Oxford University Press
35,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • An indispensable guide to investigative techniques written by an experienced team of active clinicians
  • Revised throughout to reflect current investigations and management of disease
  • Chapters on rheumatology, radiology, and renal disease have been extensively revised
  • Extensively illustrated to aid understanding of the more complex investigations and interpretation of results
  • Algorithms are used to enhance understanding by providing a logical flow of information
  • Internet references are given throughout so readers can look up the latest developments

New to this edition

  • Fully revised and updated throughout, in line with the latest medical management
  • Chapters on rheumatology, radiology, and renal disease have been extensively revised
  • Includes more websites, guidelines, and other references
  • Features additional algorithms for investigation pathways, and X-ray, CT, and nuclear imaging figures

Modern medicine is highly complex and investigations are a key part of the diagnostic process. With major advances in technology there are thousands of clinical and laboratory tests available. This book provides a patient-oriented approach to investigation. The first chapter describes key symptoms and signs along with tests that may be of value in reaching a diagnosis. The remainder of the book is specialty-centred and provides a comprehensive review of all available tests within a given subject. The aim is of the book is to provide a more rational method of investigation and prevent over-investigation which is expensive for the hospital and unpleasant for the patient. It emphasises which tests are of value, when tests are not likely to be helpful, along with pitfalls in the interpretation of results. This new editoon has been updated throughout to incorporate current investigations and management of disease. Chapters on rheumatology, radiology, and renal medicine have been extensively revised. With contributions from active clinicians who are engaged in medical practice, the book will be of value to senior medical students facing finals examinations, and junior doctors who are responsible for ordering tests on their patients.

Readership: Senior medical students, junior hospital doctors, general practitioners, nurses and nurse practitioners.


1: Symptoms and signs
2: Dr Colin Dayan: Endocrinology and metabolism
3: Dr Drew Provan: Haematology
4: Dr Gavin Spickett: Immunology
5: Dr Brian Angus: Infectious and tropical diseases
6: Dr David Gray: Cardiology
7: Dr Emma Greig: Gastroenterology
8: Dr Joanna Brown: Respiratory medicine
9: Dr Martin Bracewell: Neurology
10: Dr Charlie Tomson and Dr James Moriarty: Renal medicine
11: Dr Alison Jones: Poisoning and overdose
12: Dr Kuntal Chakravarty and Dr Suzanne Lane: Rheumatology
13: Dr Ken Tung and Dr Tanya Chawla: Radiology
14: Dr James Ballinger: Nuclear medicine
15: Dr Drew Provan: Normal ranges


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