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Osborn's Brain: Imaging, Pathology, and Anatomy
286,00 €
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Osborn’s Brain: Imaging, Pathology, and Anatomy is the much-pleaded-for successor to Anne G. Osborn’s 1993 award winning book Diagnostic Neuroradiology (a.k.a. “The Red Book”), which became one of the all-time bestselling neuroradiology texts.

In this highly anticipated 950-page volume, Anne Osborn applies her special touch to make complex topics visually appealing and easy to understand. It wraps the “must know” aspects of brain imaging together with spectacular pathology examples, relevant anatomy, and the most up-to-date techniques in brain imaging.

Osborn’s Brain is organized for curriculum-based learning. Osborn begins with critical topics, such as trauma, to help the reader learn in the order that is most practical for a resident or practicing radiologist. Indeed, this volume helps readers learn how to think about diagnoses, types of diagnoses, and the various pathologies that can affect the brain.

Even as Osborn “takes readers by the hand” to introduce them to the world of brain imaging, she includes new concepts and diagnoses that will intrigue the most sophisticated neuroradiologist.

The format of this book departs significantly from Osborn’s most recent publications. Rather than using bulleted text, she returns to detailed prose paragraphs designed to be a comprehensive learning resource. Summary boxes highlight the most important points from each section, enhancing functionality and ease of use.

This detail rich content is augmented with over 2,375 stunning, high resolution radiologic images and medical illustrations, all of which are annotated to describe the most clinically significant features.

Osborn’s Brain is easy to read, a visual delight, and a feast of concise, clear information. This impressive volume gives every radiologist and clinical neuroscientist exactly what he or she needs to know, while offering a fascinating journey into Osborn’s brain!




1 Trauma Overview 1

2 Primary Effects of CNS Trauma 7

3 Secondary Effects and Sequelae of CNS Trauma 43


Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions


4 Approach to Nontraumatic Hemorrhage and Vascular Lesions 63

5 Spontaneous Parenchymal Hemorrhage 68

6 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Aneurysms 89

7 Vascular Malformations 118

8 Arterial Anatomy and Strokes 144

9 Venous Anatomy and Occlusions 187

10 Vasculopathy 212


Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelinating Diseases


11 Approach to Infection, Inflammation, and Demyelination 232

12 Infection 233

13 HIV/AIDS 298

14 Demyelinating and Inflammatory Diseases 326


Neoplasms, Cysts, and Tumor-like Lesions


15 Introduction to Neoplasms, Cysts, and Tumor-like Lesions 360

16 Astrocytomas 369

17 Nonastrocytic Glial Neoplasms 407

18 Neuronal and Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors 432

19 Pineal and Germ Cell Tumors 452

20 Embryonal and Neuroblastic Tumors 476

21 Tumors of the Meninges 495

22 Cranial Nerves and Nerve Sheath Tumors 521

23 Lymphomas, Hemopoietic and Histiocytic Tumors 553

24 Miscellaneous Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions 584

25 Sellar Neoplasms and Tumor-like Lesions 602

26 Metastases and Paraneoplastic Syndromes 646

27 Nonneoplastic Cysts 672


Toxic, Metabolic, and Degenerative Disorders


28 Approach to Toxic, Metabolic, and Systemic Diseases 705

29 Toxic Encephalopathy 710

30 Inherited Metabolic DIsorcers 742

31 Acquired Metabolic Disorders and Systemic Diseases 772

32 Dementias and Brain Degenerations 802

33 Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders 832


Congenital Malformations of the Skull and Brain


34 Embryology and Classification 837

35 Hindbrain Herniations and Malformations 867

36 Cortical Maldevelopment Lesions 897

37 Miscellaneous Congenital Malformations 927

38 Familial Tumor and Neurocutaneous Syndromes


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