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This one-of-a-kind text focuses on the uses of the Fugo blade, a battery powered, portable electrosurgical unit that produces a cool, thin plasma cloud that coats a blunt cutting filament. When activated, the plasma cuts sharper than a diamond blade by "ablation" of tissue similar to the action of a laser. This is a novel, evolving technology that has been called the "first improvement in incision since the introduction of the laser".
The unit is FDA approved for cataract, glaucoma, iridotomy as well as dental surgery. This is the first time that the FDA has approved surgeons to drain glaucoma fluid from behind the iris, which simplifies the procedure and decreases complications. Over two dozen other uses of the Fugo blade have been identified in ophthalmology.
Ocular Applications of the Fugo Blade describes and illustrates over 40 innovative procedures using this technology. Each section focuses on an anatomic area and details disorders that are treated with the use of the Fugo blade. Clear photographs, illustrations, and text explain the authors' approach to the surgical problems.
Ophthalmologists with interest in cataract, glaucoma, refractive surgery, presbyopia reversal surgery, strabismus muscle surgery, DCR surgery, dry eye syndrome, soft tissue and plastic surgery, and retinal surgery as well as plastic surgeons and neurosurgeons will benefit from Ocular Applications of the Fugo Blade.
A companion website offers the full text online and an image bank.
--A novel, evolving technology called the "first improvement in incision since the introduction of the laser"
--The technology has received a grant by the U.S. Military to develop a Fugo Blade unit for use in surgery by field surgeons and medics
--Uses plasma technology to create incredibly sharp and virtually resistance-free incisions
--Poised to revolutionize glaucoma surgery
INTRODUCTION TO THE FUGO BLADE: The Origins of the Fugo Blade, Richard Fugo / The Biophysics and the Mode of Operation of Plasma Surgery, Richard Fugo and Daljit Singh
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE FUGO BLADE The Eyelid-Lacrimal System: Conjunctival Route Levator Plication for Ptosis, Daljit Singh / Trichiasis, Daljit Singh and Kiranjit Singh / Sebaceous Cyst, Seema K. Singh / Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Daljit Singh / Tarsorrhaphy, Seema K. Singh / Congenital or Acquired Punctal Atresia and Canalicus Closure, Daljit Singh / Failed Dacryocystorhinostomy, Sunita Mohan, Vijeta Dhiman, H.K. Bisht, S.K. Satsangi, and S.N.M.C. Agra / Entropion of the Upper Eyelid, Daljit Singh The Conjunctiva: Limbal Nevus, Daljit Singh / Limbal Nodule, Daljit Singh / Carcinoma in Situ of the Conjunctiva, Daljit Singh / Bitot's Spots, Daljit Singh Extraocular Muscles: Strabismus, Daljit Singh and Arun Verma / Cysticercus, Daljit Singh The Lens: Thick Papillary Membranes, Ravijit Singh / Cataracts and Capsulorrhexis, Richard J. Fugo / Capsulotomy in Cataracts, Kiranjit Singh / 8-mm Capsulotomy, Richard Fugo / Small Pupil Cararact Surgery, Richard Fugo / Pediatric Capsulotomy, Daljit Singh The Iris: Iridectomy and Iridotomy, Daljit Singh Glaucoma: Glaucoma Surgery, Daljit Singh / Conjunctival Lymphatics, Daljit Singh and Taj Kirmani / Nonperforating Glaucoma Surgery, Daljit Singh / Transconjunctival Transciliary Filtration (The Singh Aqueous Bypass), Daljit Singh, Kiranjit Singh, and Thomas Dow / Atwal's Balanced Approach for Glaucoma Filtration, Ephraim Singh Atwal and Amarjit Singh Atwal / Ab Interno Pretenon Filtration, Daljit Singh and Kiranjit Singh / Ab Externo Pretenon Filtration, Daljit Singh and Kiranjit Singh / Transciliary Filtration (Singh Filtration), Thomas Dow, Kiranjit Singh, and Daljit Singh / Tenon Cyst, Daljit Singh and Kiranjit Singh / Cyclodialysis, Daljit Singh / Neovascular Glaucoma, Daljit Singh, Kiranjit Singh, and Thomas Dow The Anterior Segment: Anterior Vitrectomy with Cataract Procedure, Daljit Singh The Posterior Segment: Diabetic Retinopathy, Indu R. Singh / Encysted Metallic Intraocular Foreign Body in the Retina, Indu R. Singh / Von Hippel-Lindau Disease, Indu R. Singh / Eales Disease, Indu R. Singh The Cornea: Pterygium Surgery, Daljit Singh / Corneal Ulcers, Daljit Singh / Corneal Edema, Daljit Singh / Dermoid of the Limbus, Daljit Singh The Sclera: Keratoprosthesis Surgery, Indu R. Singh / Large Anterior Staphyloma, Daljit Singh The Orbit: Dermoid of the Orbit, Daljit Singh The Globe: Evisceration, Daljit Singh / Hemophthalmos, Seema K. Singh
NONOPHTHALMIC APPLICATIONS OF THE FUGO BLADE: The Fugo Blade in General Surgery: Experimental Work, Russell Reiss / The Fugo Blade in Treatment of the Ear, Nose, and Throat, Amrik Singh / The Fugo Blade in Dermatology, Rakesh Bharti and Daljit Singh
Afterword: The Future of the Fugo Blade Richard Fugo
Appendix: References to the Fugo Blade in the Literature
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