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Neonatal Neural Rescue
Edwards, Azzopardi, Gunn
Cambridge University Press
72,00 €
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Worldwide more than one million babies die annually from perinatal asphyxia and its associated complications such as neonatal encephalopathy – one of the major causes of cerebral palsy and cognitive deficiencies in children aside from prematurity. Cooling the head – or the entire body – minimizes neuronal death, enabling the neonatal brain to be 'rescued' thus greatly improving developmental outcomes. Hypothermic neural rescue therapy has revolutionized the treatment of this condition and is a major recent achievement in neonatal medicine. This landmark book provides a brief scientific underpinning of hypothermic neural rescue therapy and lays out the evidence base for good practice. Internationally recognized authorities give practical advice, drawn from personal experience, on how to deliver hypothermia in the neonatal intensive care unit. A valuable addition to any neonatal unit, this is essential reading for neonatologists, neonatal nurses and paediatric neurologists.


• Contains strong scientific background to the technique
• Gives practical advice for those wishing to establish the technique in their unit
• Written and edited by international authorities


Table of Contents

Foreword Joseph J. Volpe
Part I. Scientific Background:
1. Neurological outcome after perinatal asphyxia at term David Odd and Andrew Whitelaw
2. Molecular mechanisms of neonatal brain injury and neural rescue Pierre Gressens and Henrik Hagberg
3. The discovery of hypothermic neural rescue therapy for perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy A. David Edwards
4. Clinical trials of hypothermic neural rescue A. David Edwards and Denis V. Azzopardi
5. Economic evaluation of hypothermic neural rescue Dean A. Regier and Stavros Petrou
Part II. Clinical Neural Rescue:
6. Challenges for parents and clinicians discussing neuroprotective treatments Peter Allmark, Claire Snowdon, Diana Elbourne and Su Mason
7. The pharmacology of hypothermia Alistair J. Gunn and Paul P. Drury
8. Selection of infants for hypothermic neural rescue Ericalyn Kasdorf and Jeffrey M. Perlman
9. Hypothermia during patient transport Susan E. Jacobs
10. Whole body cooling for therapeutic hypothermia Abbot R. Laptook
11. Selective head cooling Paul P. Drury, Laura Bennet and Alistair J. Gunn
12. Hypothermic neural rescue for neonatal encephalopathy in mid- and low-resource settings Nicola J. Robertson and Sudhin Thayyil
13. Cerebral function monitoring and EEG Lena Hellström-Westas
14. Magnetic resonance imaging in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy and the effects of hypothermia Mary A. Rutherford and Serena Counsell
15. Novel uses of hypothermia Seetha Shankaran and Rosemary Higgins
16. Neurological follow-up of infants treated with hypothermia Charlene M. T. Robertson and Joe M. Watt
17. Registry surveillance after neuroprotective treatment Jeffrey D. Horbar, Robert H. Pfister and Denis V. Azzopardi
Part III. The Future:
18. Novel neuroprotective therapies Sandra E. Juul, Donna M. Ferriero and Mervyn Maze
19. Combining hypothermia with other therapies for neonatal neuroprotection Faye S. Silverstein and John D. Barks
20. Biomarkers for studies of neuroprotection in infants with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy Denis V. Azzopardi and A. David Edwards


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