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Libreria medica internazionale
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Neonatal Hematology
de Alarcón, Werner, Christensen
Cambridge University Press
120,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Neonatal hematology is a fast-growing field, and hematologic problems occur in the majority of sick neonates. Focusing on clinical issues and problem-solving, this is a fully revised and updated revision of a successful practical guide to the pathogenesis, recognition and management of hematologic problems in the neonate. The second edition begins with chapters on the history of neonatal hematology, hematopoiesis, and the immunologic system. Subsequent sections are devoted to erythrocyte disorders, platelet disorders, leucocyte disorders, immunologic disorders and hemostatic disorders. New to this edition are an expanded coverage of neonatal oncology, cord blood utilization, neonatal screening, prenatal diagnosis and hyperbilirubinemia. Written by practising physicians specializing in pediatric hematology, neonatology, immunology, pediatric infectious disease and transfusion medicine, this is an essential text for pediatric hematologists, NICU specialists, neonatologists and neonatal nurse practitioners.


• Includes reference ranges for hematological values according to gestational and postnatal age, aiding quick and accurate treatment of patients
• Describes a practical approach to common and rare hematological problems in neonates
• Focuses on problem-solving, including the interpretation of common blood tests, transfusions, anemias and platelet problems


1. History of neonatal hematology Howard Pearson
Part I. Developmental Hematology:
2. Hematopoiesis Mervin Yoder
3. Immunologic system William Slayton and Angela E. Rivers
Part II. Erythrocyte Disorders:
4. Anemia of prematurity and erythropoietin therapy Pam Kling
5. Bone marrow failure syndrome Zora Rogers and Blanche Alter
6. Immune hemolytic anemia Peter Waldron and William Cashore
7. Hemolytic disorders Bert Glader and Geoffery Allen
8. Neonatal hemoglobinopathy screening Peter Lane
9. Polycythemia/hyperviscosity Ted Rosenkrantz and William Oh
Part III. Platelet Disorders:
10. Immune thrombocytopenias Jim Bussel and J. Javad
11. Acquired thrombocytopenia Martha Sola-Visner and Matthew Saxonhouse
12. Congenital thrombocytopenias and thrombocytopathies Pedro de Alarcón
Part IV. Leucocyte Disorders:
13. Abnormal blood concentrations of eosinophils and neutrophils Robert D. Christensen and Kurt R. Schibler
14. Neutrophil function disorders E. Stephen Buescher
Part V. Immunologic Disorders:
15. Immunologic disorders James L. Wynn, Matthew Saxonhouse and John W. Sleasman
Part VI. Hemostatic Disorders:
16. Thrombosis Marilyn Manco-Johnson and Armstrong Wells
17. Bleeding disorders Manuela Albisetti and Paul Monagle
Part VII:
18. Transfusion practices Ross Fasano and Naomi Luban
19. Umbilical cord stem-cell transplantation Joanne Kurtzberg
20. Disorders of the fetomaternal unit Eric Werner, Nancy Chescheir and Randall Fisher
21. Neonatal oncology Alan Gamis
22. Normal values and laboratory methods Robert D. Christensen


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