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Neonatal Cardiology
Artman, Mahoney, Teitel
146,00 €
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A full-color guide to understanding, evaluating, and treating heart disease in fetuses and newborns

A Doody's Core Title for 2011!

"The illustrations are superb, with many full-color presentations and very clear radiographs and echocardiographic images....This is a well-written and concise book which has been needed to update the first edition published nearly a decade ago. It is well suited for the advanced trainee to use clinically and prepare for board exams.... it presents the essentials in a very readable and beautifully illustrated manner."--Doody's Review Service

Neonatal Cardiology is the trusted go-to guide for pediatricians and neonatologists needing concise, practical guidance on the evaluation and management of newborns with heart disease and other cardiac functional abnormalities. Focusing on physiology, mechanics, and presentation of congenital heart disease, this full-color resource provides a succinct, yet complete overview of neonatal cardiology.

Neonatal Cardiology opens with discussions of basic aspects of embryology of the heart and a review of normal and abnormal muscle function. From there, you are led through the clinical assessment of patients with an array of cardiac abnormalities. Management and treatment follow, beginning with a basic chapter on the principles of medical management, followed by drug therapy and post-operative care. The book concludes with a chapter on Epidemiology, Etiology, and Genetics of Congenital Heart Disease.


  • Full-color presentation with new radiographic images and explanatory illustrations of normal and abnormal anatomy, blood flow patterns, and the effects of various treatment options
  • Suggested readings appear at the end of each chapter for more in-depth study
  • Includes coverage of: Excessive pulmonary blood flow, cyanosis, inadequate systemic perfusion, cardiomyopathies, and arrhythmias, Cardiovascular drug therapy, Neurology of congenital heart disease, and Perinatal Cardiovascular Physiology

Chapter 1. Molecular and Morphogenetic Cardiac Embryology: Implications for Congentical Heart Disease; Chapter 2. Regulation of Myocyte Contraction and Relaxation; Chapter 3. Perinatal Cardiovascular Physiology; Chapter 4. Prenatal Evaluation and Management; Chapter 5. Initial Evaluation of the Newborn with Suspected Cardiovascular Disease; Chapter 6. Approach to the Cyanotic Infant; Chapter 7. Approach to the Newborn with Excessive Pulmonary Blood Flow; Chapter 8. Approach to the Newborn with Inadequate Systemic Perfusion; Chapter 9. Cardiomyopathies; Chapter 10. Common Dysrhythmias; Chapter 11. Principles of Medical Management; Chapter 12. Cardiovascular Drug Therapy; Chapter 13. Principles of Postoperative Care; Chapter 14. Brain Development and Resulting Cardiac Outcomes; Chapter 15. Counseling Familes Based on Etiology and Epidemiology


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