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Authored by “a superb clinician and award-winning teacher,”* Near Misses in Pediatric Anesthesiology, Second Edition is a thorough updating and significant expansion of this popular case book in the newest anesthesiology subspecialty to be approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
The book comprises 87 true-story clinical “near misses,” including 40 cases that are brand new. Recommendations, references, and discussion accompany each case. The cases provide an ideal basis for problem-centered learning and also model how to learn from experience and to maintain professionalism during the lifelong development of clinical expertise.
Dr. Brock-Utne’s latest case book provides a pediatric complement to his bestselling Case Studies of Near Misses in Clinical Anesthesia (Springer, 2012) and Clinical Anesthesia: Near Misses and Lessons Learned (Springer, 2008).
Chapter 1. Case 1: Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy under General Anesthesia
Chapter 2. Case 2: Sudden Anesthesia System Failure
Chapter 3. Case 3: Broviac Catheter Placement in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Chapter 4. Case 4: Occluded Reinforced (Armored) Endotracheal Tube
Chapter 5. Case 5: The Too-Small Rigid Bronchoscope
Chapter 6. Case 6: Anaphylaxis, Anaphylactoid Reaction, Or What Was It?
Chapter 7. Case 7: Generalized Convulsions after Regional Anesthesia
Chapter 8. Case 8: Hypotension during Microdiscectomy
Chapter 9. Case 9: Intraoperative Hypotension in a Patient Receiving Chronic Steroids
Chapter 10. Case 10: Changing a Nasotracheal Tube for an Oral Tube in the Intensive Care Unit
Chapter 11. Case 11: Blocked Intravenous Line during Rapid-Sequence Induction
Chapter 12. Case 12: Postinduction Difficult Intubation
Chapter 13. Case 13: Blunt Upper Airway Trauma in a Patient with Recent Polysubstance Abuse
Chapter 14. Case 14: The Stuck Elevator
Chapter 15. Case 15: Postoperative Upper Airway Obstruction
Chapter 16. Case 16: Postoperative Respiratory Complications in a Neonate
Chapter 17. Case 17: Pregnant Teenager with a Bad Outcome
Chapter 18. Case 18: Tension Pneumoperitoneum
Chapter 19. Case 19: A Patient with Status Asthmaticus
Chapter 20. Case 20: Intraoperative Decrease in Electrocardiogram Amplitude: Cause for Concern?
Chapter 21. Case 21: Potential Disaster: An Intravenous Line That Stops Working in the Perioperative Phase
Chapter 22. Case 22: Ventilatory Management in Major Thoracic Incisional Injury
Chapter 23. Case 23: Airway Leak in a Prone Patient
Chapter 24. Case 24: Difficulty in Extubation
Chapter 25. Case 25: Tonsillectomy
Chapter 26. Case 26: An Unusual Cause of a Serious Cardiac Arrhythmia
Chapter 27. Case 27: A Patient with Supraglottic Mass
Chapter 28. Case 28: Pressurized Intravenous Hetastarch
Chapter 29. Case 29: Intraoperative Hypotension
Chapter 30. Case 30: Hematuria
Chapter 31. Case 31: Congenital Complete Heart Block
Chapter 32. Case 32: Neonatal Respiratory Distress
Chapter 33. Case 33: Respiratory Distress in the Intensive Care Unit
Chapter 34. Case 34: The Butterfly Needle (Abbott)Chapter 35. Case 35: Hypotension on Induction of Anesthesia in a Trauma Patient
Chapter 36. Case 36: Delayed Postoperative Respiratory Obstruction
Chapter 37. Case 37: An Abnormal Capnogram
Chapter 38. Case 38: Retropharyngeal Abscess
Chapter 39. Case 39: Rising End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide
Chapter 40. Case 40: Acute Abdomen
Chapter 41. Case 41: Difficulty in Ventilation in the Postinduction Period
Chapter 42. Case 42: Unexplained Low Oxygen Saturation
Chapter 43. Case 43: Occlusion of an Endotracheal Tube in a Neonate
Chapter 44. Case 44: Surgical Emphysema after a Motor Vehicle Accident
Chapter 45. Case 45: Postoperative Respiratory Arrest
Chapter 46. Case 46: Rapid Increase in Body Temperature after Induction of General Anesthesia
Chapter 47. Case 47: Intraoperative "Oozing"
Chapter 48. Case 48: A Tip for Nasotracheal Intubation
Chapter 49. Case 49: A Case of Anisocoria Following General Anesthesia
Chapter 50. Case 50: A Routine Tonsil- and Adenoidectomy
Chapter 51. Case 51: Drug Overdose
Chapter 52. Case 52: Cardiac Arrest in a Neonate
Chapter 53. Case 53: Bilateral Tourniquets. Beware
Chapter 54. Case 54: Neurofibromatosis. A Warning.
Chapter 55. Case 55: A Machine Failure
Chapter 56. Case 56: A Severe Case of Bronchospasm
Chapter 57. Case 57: A Peanut in the Airway
Chapter 58. Case 58: A Sprinkler Spike Lodged in a Patient’s Head
Chapter 59. Case 59: Infusion of Cold Blood. Should We Worry?
Chapter 60. Case 60: Respiratory Arrest after Extubation
Chapter 61. Case 61: Sudden Increase in End-Tidal CO2
Chapter 62. Case 62: A Case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Chapter 63. Case 63: Intraoperative Airway Obstruction
Chapter 64. Case 64: An Anterior Mediastinal Mass. What Will You Do?
Chapter 65. Case 65: A “Routine” MRI Case
Chapter 66. Case 66: A Serious Problem during Neurosurgery
Chapter 67. Case 67: A Case of Severe Intra-abdominal Pressure
Chapter 68. Case 68: A Case of Severe Laryngospasm
Chapter 69. Case 69: An ETT Suction Problem
Chapter 70. Case 70: A Child Refusing an OperationChapter 71. Case 71: Why So Sleepy?
Chapter 72. Case 72: Check Your Facts
Chapter 73. Case 73: A Strange Capnogram
Chapter 74. Case 74: Relying on Others
Chapter 75. Case 75: Monitored Anesthesia Care. Watch Out.
Chapter 76. Case 76: An Intermittently Worrisome Capnography Trace
Chapter 77. Case 77: Cardiac Arrest at the Conclusion of Neurosurgery
Chapter 78. Case 78: Watch Out
Chapter 79. Case 79: A Complication of Central Venous Cannulation?
Chapter 80. Case 80: An Example of Murphy’s Law
Chapter 81. Case 81: A Tragic Case
Chapter 82. Case 82: Hemoptysis from a 2-Month Tracheostomy
Chapter 83. Case 83: A Potentially Serious IncidentChapter 84. Case 84: Rusty Material in an Oxygen Flow Meter
Chapter 85. Case 85: A Surprising Solution to an Airway Emergency
Chapter 86. Case 86: An Airway Leak in the ICU
Chapter 87. Case 87: Pediatric Dental Anesthesia
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