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Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer
Cagle, Allen, Beasley, Chirieac, Dacic, Borczuk, Kerr
140,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Bridges the gap between the molecular specialist and the clinical practitioner
  • Provides the latest information and current insights
  • Comprehensively covers the new molecular pathology of lung cancer
As with other books in the Molecular Pathology Library Series, Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer bridges the gap between the molecular specialist and the clinical practitioner, including the surgical pathologist who now has a key role in decisions regarding molecular targeted therapy for lung cancer. Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer provides the latest information and current insights into the molecular basis for lung cancer, including precursor and preinvasive lesions, molecular diagnosis, molecular targeted therapy, molecular prognosis, molecular radiology and related fields for lung cancer generally and for the specific cell types. As many fundamental concepts about lung cancer have undergone revision in only the past few years, this book will likely be the first to comprehensively cover the new molecular pathology of lung cancer. It provides a foundation in this field for pathologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, thoracic surgeons, thoracic radiologists and their trainees, physician assistants, and nursing staff.

Part I Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer: General Principles
1 Approach to Personalized Care of the Lung
Cancer Patient .............................................................................. 3
Philip T. Cagle
2 Etiology of Lung Cancer ............................................................. 5
Philip T. Cagle
3 Genetic Susceptibility to Lung Cancer ...................................... 7
Timothy Craig Allen
4 Lung Cancer Stem Cells .............................................................. 27
Timothy Craig Allen
5 The Classification of Pre-invasive Lesions ................................. 35
Keith M. Kerr
6 Molecular Pathology of Precursor and Pre-invasive
Lesions ........................................................................................... 53
Keith M. Kerr
7 Revised Classification for Adenocarcinoma .............................. 71
Philip T. Cagle and Keith M. Kerr
8 Molecular Basis for the Current Lung Cancer
Classification ................................................................................. 75
Alain C. Borczuk
9 Molecular Diagnosis of Lung Cancer ......................................... 87
Lucian R. Chirieac and Philip T. Cagle
10 Molecular Targeted Therapy of Lung Cancer .......................... 99
Sanja Dacic
11 Molecular Prognostic Markers of Lung Cancer ....................... 109
Sanja Dacic
12 New Techniques for Optical and Molecular Visualization
of Lung Cancer ............................................................................. 113
Philip T. Cagle
x Contents
Part II Molecular Pathology of Lung Cancer:
Speci fi c Histologic Types
13 Adenocarcinoma ........................................................................... 119
Keith M. Kerr
14 Squamous Cell Carcinoma .......................................................... 163
Timothy Craig Allen
15 Molecular Pathology of Large Cell Carcinoma ........................ 169
Alain C. Borczuk
16 Molecular Pathology of Small Cell Carcinomas ....................... 185
Mary Beth Beasley
17 Molecular Biopsy of Neuroendocrine Carcinomas
Other Than Small Cell Carcinoma ............................................. 189
Mary Beth Beasley
18 Molecular Pathology of Uncommon Carcinomas ..................... 193
Alain C. Borczuk
19 Biology of Lung Cancer Metastases ........................................... 201
Lucian R. Chirieac
Index ...................................................................................................... 211


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