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Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation
Massry, Murphy, Azizzadeh
160,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Edited by leading experts in a variety of specialties including facial plastic surgery, oculoplastic surgery, and reconstructive and cosmetic blepharoplasty
  • Complementary textbook to the editor’s best-selling textbook on facial rejuvenation
  • Provides a unique and comprehensive understanding of cosmetic brow lifting, blepahroplasty and midface surgery

The eyes are a central feature of facial appearance, expression and provide us the ability to see, our most important sensory function.  For this reason, mastering the evaluation and execution of aesthetic rejuvenation of the eyelids and adjacent areas is critical to all surgeons who operate on these very delicate and interconnected structures. Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation is a comprehensive, multi-specialty textbook on blepharoplasty and eyelid reconstruction.

Special features include:


·         A multidisciplinary view of how this particular area of facial aesthetic surgery is approached and how its associated procedures are performed

·         Provides a unique and comprehensive understanding of cosmetic brow lifting, blepahroplasty and midface surgery

·         Written by leading experts in a variety of specialties, including oculoplastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, plastic surgery and dermatology


Part I General Considerations
1 Periorbital Aesthetic Surgery: The Evolution of a Multidisciplinary
Surgical Subspecialty.............................................................................................. 3
Jonathan S. Kulbersh, Guy G. Massry, and Babak Azizzadeh
2 Surgical Anatomy of the Forehead, Eyelids, and Midface
for the Aesthetic Surgeon....................................................................................... 11
Kevin S. Tan, Sang-Rog Oh, Ayelet Priel, Bobby S. Korn,
and Don O. Kikkawa
3 The Beautiful Eye: Perception of Beauty in the Periocular Area....................... 25
Adam G. Buchanan and John B. Holds
4 Critical Evaluation of the Periorbital Aesthetic Patient...................................... 31
Jeremiah P. Tao, Betina Wachter, and Steven Yoon
5 Oculofacial Anesthesia........................................................................................... 45
Julie A. Woodward, Usha P. Reddy, Nicholas A. Ramey,
Daniel J. Woodward, and Guy G. Massry
Part II Forehead and Eyebrow Rejuvenation
6 The Open Approach to Forehead Lifting............................................................. 57
Mark R. Murphy
7 Endoscopic Brow and Forehead Rejuvenation.................................................... 69
Christian L. Stallworth and Tom D. Wang
8 Direct Brow Lift: An Aesthetic Approach............................................................ 79
Gregory J. Griepentrog and Mark J. Lucarelli
Part III Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation
9 Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty................................................................................. 87
Asa D. Morton
10 Adjunctive Procedures in Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty:
Internal Brow Fat Sculpting and Elevation, Glabellar Myectomy,
and Lacrimal Gland Repositioning....................................................................... 101
Dan Georgescu, Geeta Belsare, John D. McCann,
and Richard L. Anderson
xii Contents
11 Management of Complications of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty....................... 109
Craig N. Czyz, Vincent B. Lam, and Jill A. Foster
12 Levator Ptosis Repair in the Aesthetic Patient
With and Without Blepharoplasty........................................................................ 125
Morris E. Hartstein
13 Posterior Approach Ptosis Repair in the Aesthetic Patient
With or Without Blepharoplasty........................................................................... 137
Kiran Sajja and Allen M. Putterman
14 Modern Advances in Asian Blepharoplasty......................................................... 147
Kimberly J. Lee, Amir M. Karam, and Samuel M. Lam
Part IV Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation
15 Transcutaneous Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty..................................................... 159
Stephen W. Perkins and Paul K. Holden
16 Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty:
Fat Excision or Repositioning................................................................................ 173
Guy G. Massry and Paul S. Nassif
17 Managing the Lateral Canthus in the Aesthetic Patient..................................... 185
Guy G. Massry
18 Management of the Post-lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Retracted Eyelid...................................................................................................... 199
Dan Georgescu, Geeta Belsare, John D. McCann, and Richard L. Anderson
19 Laser Management of Festoons............................................................................ 211
Adam J. Scheiner and Sterling S. Baker
Part V Midface Rejuvenation
20 Midface and Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation............................................................. 225
Oscar M. Ramirez
21 Face Implants in Aesthetic Surgery...................................................................... 243
Joe Niamtu III
Part VI Special Considerations
22 Periorbital Fat Grafting......................................................................................... 259
Robert A. Glasgold, Samuel M. Lam, and Mark J. Glasgold
23 Periorbital Laser Resurfacing............................................................................... 273
Douglas G. Hamilton
24 Laser Incisional Eyelid Surgery............................................................................ 279
Julie A. Woodward and Amina Husain
25 Neuromodulators and Fillers for Periorbital Rejuvenation................................ 289
Kenneth C.Y. Yu, Kartik D. Nettar, and Corey S. Maas
26 Management of the Prominent Eye....................................................................... 297
John B. Holds
Contents xiii
27 Postoperative Wound Modulation in Aesthetic Eyelid
and Periorbital Surgery.......................................................................................... 307
Mehryar Taban, Seongmu Lee, Jonathan A. Hoenig, Ronald Mancini,
Robert A. Goldberg, and Raymond S. Douglas
28 Short-Flap Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System (SMAS)
Rhytidectomy........................................................................................................... 313
Babak Azizzadeh and Kimberly J. Lee
Index................................................................................................................................. 329


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