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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health issue of worldwide proportions, affecting motorists, victims of interpersonal violence, athletes, military service members, and Veterans, among others. Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury provides evidence-informed guidance on the core topics in brain injury medicine, including the epidemiology and pathophysiology of TBI, the medical evaluation and neuropsychological assessment of persons with TBI, and the common cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and other neurological disturbances for which persons with TBI and their families seek clinical care.
The volume offers many useful features to its readers, including:
Impressive breadth and depth of coverage, logical structure, clinically rich detail, and concise presentation make Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury a must-read for every physician, nurse, and mental health practitioner working to improve the lives of persons with TBI.
Contributors. Preface. Part I: Introduction. Overview of traumatic brain injury. Part II: Assessment. Medical evaluation. Neuropsychological assessment. Part III: Management. Posttraumatic cognitive impairments. Disorders of consciousness. Cognitive impairments. Posttraumatic emotional and behavioral disturbances. Disorders of mood and affect. Anxiety disorders. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Posttraumatic psychosis. Aggressive disorders. Apathy. Substance use disorders. Posttraumatic somatic problems. Headache. Seizures and epilepsy. Sleep and fatigue. Posttraumatic sensory impairments. Part IV: Special Topics. Traumatic brain injury in late life. Athletes and sports-related concussion. Military personnel and Veterans with traumatic brain injury. Persistent symptoms after a concussion. Forensic issues and traumatic brain injury. Appendix A: Suggested readings. Appendix B: Relevant websites. Index.
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