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Low Back Pain
22,00 €
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his manual covers all types of lower back pain. Beginning with an introduction to low back ache, the text examines uncommon disorders, such as spina bifida, scoliosis and tuberculosis spine, and then common conditions, for example, intervertebral disk prolapse. With nearly 270 images and illustrations, the book also discusses the common causes of lower back pain – poor posture, sedentary lifestyle; and the uncommon causes such as diseases of the lower spine, or radiating pain from the abdominal and genitourinary organs. Short summaries, clinical photographs, X-rays and anecdotes are provided for easy reference and to help understanding.

Author information
MBBS D’Ortho DNB (Ortho) MNAMS (Ortho) DAc DMT; CEO, Parimala Health Care Services, Ebnezar Orthopaedic Centre, Dr John’s Orthopaedic Clinic, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

1. Introduction to Low Backache ...............................3
• How is Backache Different from other Diseases? 3
• What is the Best Way to Deal with Back Pain 5
• Design of Your Back 6
• Functions of Your Spine 15
• Everything You Need to know about Human Posture 18
• Your Life Day in and Day Out 19
• Also Consider other Factors Burdening Your Kpine 20
• Welcome to the World of Backaches 20
• Low Backache 21
2. Uncommon Causes for Low Backaches ...................27
• Low Backache due to Reasons Related to Your Spine 27
• Low Backache due to Reasons Unrelated to Your Spine 30
• Presentation in other Uncommon Causes of Low Backache 31
• Presentations in Uncommon Causes of Back Pain (A Quick Recap) 32
3. Spina Bifi da (Occulta and Manifesta) .................. 34
• Spina Bifi da Occulta 34
• Spina Bifi da Aperta of Manifesta 35
• Relevant History 37
• Relevant Clinical Findings 37
• Investigations 42
• Treatment in a Nutshell 44
4. Ankylosing Spondylitis .......................................... 45
• Relevant History 46
• Clinical Findings 46
• Extra-articular Features 46
• Treatment in a Nutshell 48
5. Scoliosis ............................................................... 50
• Relevant History 52
• Relevant Clinical Findings 52
Low Back Pain
• Relevant Investigations 60
• Treatment in a Nutshell 3 0’s 60
6. Osteoporosis .......................................................... 61
• Causes 61
• Clinical Features 62
• Investigations 63
• Management of Osteoporosis 64
• Anti-fall Measures in Osteoporosis 67
7. Spondylolisthesis ................................................... 69
• Relevant History 71
• Relevant Clinical Findings 72
• Relevant Investigations 74
• Treatment in a Nutshell 74
• Differential Diagnosis 75
8. Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies ..................... 76
• Introduction 76
• Etiology 76
• Signs and Symptoms 77
• Diagnosis 77
• Treatment 79
9. Lumbar Spondylosis and Lumbar Canal Stenosis ...80
Lumbar Spondylosis 80
• Risk factors 80
• Diagnosis 81
• Treatment 81
• Relevant Investigations 82
Lumbar Canal Stenosis 84
• Defi nition 84
• Classifi cation 84
• Relevant History 86
• Relevant Clinical Findings 86
• Relevant Investigations 87
• Differential Diagnosis 87
• Treatment in a Nutshell 87
10. Old Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Injuries .......... 88
• Relevant History 90
• Relevant Clinical Findings 90
Cauda Equina Syndrome 94
• Relevant History 96
• Investigations 96
• Treatment in a Nutshell 96
11. Tuberculosis Spine ................................................ 97
Sites of Involvement within the Vertebra 97
12. Intervertebral Disk Prolapse ................................109
• Disk Physiology 109
• Natural History of Lumbar Disk Disease 111
• Etiology of Disk Herniation 111
• Defi nitive Causes 113
• Relevant History 113
• Relevant Findings 119
• Differential Diagnosis 123
• Relevant Investigations 123
• Treatment in a Nutshell 123
13. Common Causes for Low Backache ....................124
• Sudden Insults to your Back 124
• Gradual Insults to your Back 127
• Summary of the Reasons for Common Low Backache 135
• Features of Common LBA 138
• Differential Diagnosis of Common Low Back Pain 140
• Slipped Disk 141
• Various Investigations in Low Backache 142
• Treatment Options 144
• You as your Doctor 149
• Exercise your Backache Away 167
• Exercises Recommended for the Back 169
• Yoga 175
• Other Useful Measures to Counter Low Backache 177
• Do these and Backache will Visit you Less Often 177
• Treatment Measures you can Safely Practice 179
• Self-Treatment Methods you can Safely Practice 182
• When to see a Doctor? 182
• Backache in Special Situations 183
• School Bag Syndrome 188
• Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) 190
Index ..............................................................................................191


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