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Lasers and Energy Devices for the Skin
Goldman, Fitzpatrick, Ross, Kilmer, Weiss
CRC Press
180,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


  • Explores the latest developments in laser scar, tattoo, and hair removal
  • Examines techniques in laser lipolysis and the control of lipodystrophy and cellulite
  • Discusses the use of photodynamic therapy for skin tumors and acne
  • Reviews approaches for noninvasive and intended selective destruction of fat
  • Describes the different procedures required for use of lasers on Asian skin
  • Discusses pain management, safety standards, and medicolegal issues
  • Includes chapters written by renowned experts such as William T Kirby, Mathew M. Avram, and Penny J. Smalley


Rapid technical developments with lasers and other energy devices have continued over recent years, both in the different types of devices available and in what can be used for cosmetic and other treatments, including scar and tattoo removal, hair removal, cellulite, and lipolysis. In the second edition of Lasers and Energy Devices for the Skin, the top practitioners in the field have pooled their expertise to offer a broad and balanced perspective.

Updated to encompass the latest refinements in the field, this volume:


  • Explores the latest techniques in laser hair removal and scar removal
  • Reviews advances in antiaging techniques for the skin of the face
  • Covers the use of photodynamic therapy for skin tumors, psoriasis, localized scleroderma, viral warts, onichimycosis, and more
  • Reviews currently available and novel approaches for noninvasive and intended selective destruction of fat
  • Highlights the risks of pigmentary alterations and scarring following procedures on Asian skin
  • Covers advances in liposuction brought about by the advent of tumescent anesthesia

The book also discusses pain management during laser surgery and laser treatments and includes coverage of the importance of complying with safety standards, potential unsafe practices, and potential medicolegal problems. Providing the understanding needed to develop creative ways to use light-based technologies, the book gives readers easy access to practical treatment parameters.

Table of Contents

Laser-Tissue Interactions, E. Victor Ross and R. Rox Anderson
Laser Treatment of Vascular Lesions, E. Victor Ross and Andrew C. Krakowski
Laser Treatment of Benign Pigmented Lesions, Omar A. Ibrahimi and Suzanne L. Kilmer
Tattoo Removal, William Kirby
Hair Removal, Omar A. Ibrahimi and Suzanne L. Kilmer
Skin Resurfacing with Ablative Lasers, Omar A. Ibrahimi, Richard E. Fitzpatrick, Mitchel P. Goldman, and Suzanne L. Kilmer
Fractional Ablative Lasers, Douglas A. Winstanley and E. Victor Ross
Non-Ablative Fractional Lasers, Karen L. Beasley and Robert A. Weiss
Treatment of Scars, Richard E. Fitzpatrick
Photodynamic Therapy, Mitchel P. Goldman and Ane BM Niwa Massaki
Treatment of Leg Telangiectasias with Laser and High-Intensity Pulsed Light, Mitchel P. Goldman
Body contouring: Noninvasive Fat Removal, Lilit Garibyan, H Ray Jalian, Mathew M Avram, and Robert A Weiss
Use of Lasers on Asian Skin, Woraphong Manuskiatti
Laser Lipolysis, Melanie D. Palm, Ane BM Niwa Massaki, Sabrina G. Fabi, and Mitchel P. Goldman
Laser, Light and Energy Devices for Cellulite and Lipodystrophy, Mitchel P Goldman, Jennifer D Peterson, and Sabrina G Fabi
Anesthesia for Cutaneous Laser Surgery, Mitchel P. Goldman and Sabrina G. Fabi
Laser safety: Risk Assessment and Quality Management, Penny J. Smalley


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