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The field of infertility research and practice is one of continuous innovation and change, but alongside the increasing sophistication of assisted reproductive techniques there is as strong a need as ever for clinical experience and expertise and common practical sense to inform diagnosis and clinical decision making. Now in its fourth edition, Infertility in Practice is practical and gives the clinician a clear picture of the aetiology of infertility and a careful assessment of the basis for treatment options. A thoroughly comprehensive book that provides sound theory and evidence based therapy, this book is a must for any practitioner dealing with infertility.
Infertility: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Counseling
Prevention of Infertility
Planning a Pregnancy
Obesity and Reproduction
Investigation of Infertility
Anovulatory Infertility and Ovulation Induction
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ovarian Failure and Resistant Ovary Syndrome
Tubal Infertility and Fibroids
Male Factor Infertility
Unexplained Infertility
Assisted Conception
Scientific Aspects of International Regulation
Ethical Issues
Follow-up of Children Born from Assisted Reproduction Techniques
Complications of Ovarian Stimulation
Emerging Therapies
Miscarriage after Fertility Treatment
Recurrent Miscarriage
Ectopic Pregnancy
When to Stop Treatment and Other Options
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