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8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
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Libreria medica internazionale
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Imaging of Pediatric Bone and Joint Trauma
Martino, Defilippi, Caudana
115,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Covers all practical aspects of imaging pediatric bone and joint trauma
  • Addresses current legal aspects of child abuse including international medico-legal guidelines
  • Valuable for all involved in diagnosis and management of these cases

Imagingof Pediatric Bone and Joint Trauma is a multiauthored work dealing comprehensivelywith the various aspects of imaging of pediatric musculoskeletal trauma. Thebook is ideally subdivided in three main sections: an overview of traumaticlesions; imaging of traumatic injuries according to body region; typical traumaticinjuries of early infancy. This latter section also presents a review of thelegal aspects of dealing with child abuse (with specific focus on the ‘batteredchild’), including current international medico-legal guidelines.

The book’sdidactic approach and its wide-ranging account of the subject makes it of valueto practitioners from the full range of disciplines involved in the diagnosis andmanagement of pediatric bone and joint trauma.


1. Major traumatic bone and joint injuries: overview.- 2. Micro-traumatic Lesions Caused by Overuse: Overview.- 3. Osteoarticular Trauma in the Pediatric Age: Overview – Apophyseal Injuries.- 4. Major and Minor Pediatric Traumatic Musculotendinous Injuries.- 5. Traumatic Lesions of the Peripheral Nerves.- 6. Imaging of Regional Injuries: The Axial Skeleton – the Skull,Vertebral Column, and Thoracic Cage.- 7. The Upper Limbs.- 8. The Pelvis and Lower Limbs.- 9. Birth Trauma. 10 Toddlers’ Fracture.- 11. Bony Lesions from Non-accidental Trauma.- 12. The Battered Child: Guidelines and Medical-legal Implications.


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