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This encompassing book is designed to contribute to a teamwork approach to imaging among radiologists and clinical oncologists that will ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. All of the currently available imaging modalities of relevance in clinical oncology are covered, and the presentation of a broad spectrum of oncologic diseases (of most organ systems) on these modalities is discussed and illustrated. The role of multiparametric and multimodality imaging approaches providing both morphologic and functional information is considered in detail, and careful attention is paid to the latest developments in higher field (3T) MR imaging and advanced MR techniques such as diffusion-weighted imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, perfusion-weighted imaging and spectroscopy. The major challenge of incorporating progress in quantitative imaging technology into radiotherapy treatment planning, guidance, and monitoring is also addressed.
This book will assist in refining the treatment approach in various oncologic diseases and organ systems based on specific imaging features. It will be of value to radiologists, oncologists, and other medical professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of oncology patients.
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