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Image-Guided Spine Interventions
Mathis, Golovac
170,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Completely revised edition that contains updated text, including new sections and chapters
  • Features an accessible and reader friendly format
  • Ideal aid for radiologists and other physicians who deal with back pain

As image-guided spine interventions have increasingly become a primary strategy for managing back pain, the tools and capabilities available to practitioners have grown significantly. This fully revised edition of Image-Guided Spine Interventions presents the latest procedures available to physicians who perform minimally invasive spine interventions. The comprehensive text covers the fundamentals—such as spine anatomy, procedural materials, and pharmacological requirements—along with chapters devoted to key topics such as discography, percutaneous descectomy, vertebroplasty and balloon kyphoplasty, epidural steroid injections, and autonomic nerve blocks. Additionally, three new chapters are included in the Second Edition, covering pulsed radiofrequency procedures, sacroplasty, and spinal cord stimulation. Each technique is presented in a straightforward manner that allows the reader to effectively evaluate and implement new procedures. The text is further enhanced by nearly 200 images and illustrations.

Edited by Dr. John Mathis, a former president of the American Society of Spine Radiology, and Dr. Stanley Golovac, who both have clinical practices devoted solely to spine procedures and pain management, the book will be useful to all physicians dealing with back pain, including radiologists, pain anesthesiologists, spine neurosurgeons, and orthopedists. Physicians will once again find that Image-Guided Spine Interventions, 2nd Edition, is the pivotal authority on image-guided techniques for the spine.


1 Spine Anatomy 1
John M. Mathis, Ali Shaibani, and Ajay K. Wakhloo
2 Materials Used in Image-Guided Spine Interventions 29
John M. Mathis
3 Patient Evaluation and Criteria for Procedure Selection 39
Harold J. Cordner
4 The Surgeon’s Perspective: Image-Guided
Therapy and Its Relationship to Conventional
Surgical Management 57
F. Todd Wetzel
5 Image-Guided Percutaneous Spine Biopsy 75
A. Orlando Ortiz, Gregg H. Zoarski, and Allan L. Brook
6 Discography 107
Aaron Calodney and Duane Griffith
7 Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy 147
Stanley Golovac
8 Epidural Injections for the Treatment of Spine-Related
Pain Syndromes 157
Matthew T. Ranson and Timothy R. Deer
9 Pulsed Radiofrequency Procedures in Clinical Practice 175
Richard M. Rosenthal
10 Facet Joint Injections and Sacroiliac Joint Injections 207
Louis J. Raso
11 Autonomic Nerve Blockade 229
Stanley Golovac and John M. Mathis
12 Percutaneous Vertebroplasty 249
John M. Mathis and Charles Cho
13 Implanted Drug Delivery Systems 279
Lisa Jo Stearns
14 Endovascular Treatment of Vascular and Nonvascular
Diseases of the Spine 299
Shahram Rahimi, Ali Shaibani, and Ajay K. Wakhloo
15 Kyphoplasty: Balloon Assisted Vertebroplasty 337
John M. Mathis, Charles H. Cho, and Wayne J. Olan
16 Sacroplasty 355
Charles H. Cho, John M. Mathis, and Keith E. Kortman
17 Spinal Cord Stimulation: Uses and Applications 375
Stanley Golovac


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