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Handbook of Endovascular Interventions
Kumar, Kenneth
60,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Presents a step-wise approach to all aspects of endovascular interventions
  • Provides techniques and pitfalls of endovascular techniques and the management of complications
  • Unique sections on building an endovascular suite, coding as well as landmark papers on each topic

Handbook of Endovascular Interventions presents a step-wise approach to the techniques of peripheral vascular interventions. Covering interventions in all major organ systems, this concise and comprehensive resource provides the rationale on why these approaches have been adopted by most practicing vascular interventionalists. This volume also presents key information on intervention techniques and pitfalls, complications and their management, surgical management options, as well as landmark papers on the topic. Unique to this book is the inclusion of sections building an endovascular suite, and coding as well as international training paradigms across the globe.

Authored by international experts from around the globe, Handbook of Endovascular Interventions is a true how-to book for the busy interventionalist.


Table of contents

1. Crossroads of science and therapy
Daynene Vykoukal, PhD
Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD, MBA

2. Computerized registry for endovascular interventions
Russell H. Samson, MD
Deepak G. Nair, MD

3. Considerations in evaluating results of endovascular treatments
Vahid Etezadi, MD
Barry T. Katzen, MD

4. Billing and coding – endovascular and related open procedures
Sean P. Roddy, MD
R. Clement Darling, III MD

5. Radiation management – physician and patient
Charles Hubeny, MD
Devang Butani MD
David L. Waldman, MD, PhD

6. Hybrid cardiovascular operating room
S. Rao Vallabhaneni, MD, FRCS, EBSQ (Vascular)

7. Vascular lab – reading in the endovascular era
Renee C. Minjarez, MD
Gregory L. Moneta, MD         
8. Fundamental techniques in endovascular treatment
W. Austin Blevins, MD
Peter A. Schneider, MD

9. Carotid artery disease
Marius Hornung
Jennifer Franke, MD
Horst Sievert, MD
10. Endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke
Marc Ribo, MD
Marta Rubiera, MD
Andrei V. Alexandrov, MD

11. Cerebral protection devices
Juan C. Parodi, MD
Claudio Schonholz, MD

12. Vertebral  artery disease
Jorg Ederle, MD
Stefan Brew, MBChB, MSc, MHB (hons), FRANZCR

13. Below the elbow occlusive disease
Roberto Ferraresi, MD
Altin Palloshi, MD

14. Aortic arch – occlusive disease
Amit Kumar, MD
Kenneth Ouriel, MD
15. Descending thoracic aortic aneurysms
C. I. Ochoa Chaar, MD
Michael S. Makaroun, MD

16. Descending thoracic aortic dissections & aortic trauma
Rosella Fattori, MD
Marco Di Eusanio, MD

17. Endovascular treatment of symptomatic  abdominal aortic aneurysms
Frank J. Veith, MD
Neal S. Cayne, MD

18. Fenestrated aortic endografts – juxtarenal and pararenal aortic aneurysms
Brian J Manning MD, FRCSI
Krassi Ivancev, MD,FRCS                      
19. Branched aortic endografts – Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
Thorarinn Kristmundsson, MD
Timothy A. Resch, MD, PhD

20. Renal artery disease – stenosis, dissections and aneurysms
Christopher S M Hay, FRCR
Joanna R Powel MRCP
John G. Moss, FRCR
21. Mesenteric vessels
Bram Fioole, MD, PhD 
Jean-Paul P.M. de Vries, MD, PhD

22. Endovascular treatment of infra-renal aortic aneurysms
Eric Fishman, MD
Peter L. Faries, MD

23. Endoleaks – types and management
Dustin J. Fanciullo, MD
Karl Illig, MD

24. Endovascular treatment of iliac artery lesions
Wei Liang, MD
Jiwei Zhang, MD

25. Femoral artery – CFA, SFA, Profunda femoris artery lesions
Martin Schillinger, MD
Erich Minar, MD
26. Superficial femoral and Popliteal artery disease
Marc Bosiers, MD
Koen Deloose, MD

27. Below the knee occlusive disease
Michael Glasby, MD
Amman Bolia, MD
28. Caval and iliac vein disease
Olaf Kaufman, MD, PhD
Haraldur Bjarnason, MD
Peter Gloviczki, MD

29. Deep venous thrombosis: Upper and Lower extremity
Anthony J. Comerata, MD, FACS, FACC
Subhash Thakur, MD

30. Pulmonary embolism & SVC syndrome
Huiting Chen, MD
Peter H. Lin, MD

31. Varicose veins – Comprehensive management
Eric Mowatt-Larssen, MD
Manj Goel, MD
Cynthia Shortell, MD
Alun Davies, MD

32. Arteriovenous grafts – stenosis, thrombosis  & aneurysms
Robyn A. Macsata, MD, FACS
Allison C. Nauta, MD
Anton N. Sidawy, MD, FACS
33. Uterine fibroid embolization
Justin S. Lee, MD
James B. Spies, MD, MPH

34. Intracranial arteriovenous malformations
David Fiorella, MD, PhD
Wendy Gaza, MD
35. Coronary angiography
Samir Kapadia, MD
Evan Lau, MD

36. Vascular access closure devices
Lina Vargas, MD
Vikram S. Kashyap, MD

37. Endovascular treatments in the field
Neil G. Kumar, MD
David L. Gillespie, MD
38. Hypercoagulable states
Guillermo A. Escobar, MD
Peter K. Henke, MD
Thomas W. Wakefield, MD

39. Simulators in endovascular treatment
Javier E. Anaya-Ayala, MD
Jean Bismuth, MD
Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD
Alan B. Lumsden, MD

40. Training paradigms in endovascular Surgery –
Australasia, South America, South Africa, Europe
WR Wilson, MD, FRCS, Robert Fitridge, MS, FRACS, R Moreira, MD, PhD; Christian B Liu, MD; Barbara D Moreira, MD, Martin Veller, MD,  Konstantinos G. Moulakakis, MD; Efthimios D. Avgerinos, MD, Christos D. Liapis, MD



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