Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Handbook of Digital Technologies in Movement Disorders
Bhidayasiri, Maetzler
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Handbook of Digital Technologies in Movement Disorders aims to unite these factors to provide a comprehensive guide to patient focused treatments for movement disorders. Sections cover an introduction to digital technologies, concepts, and terminologies, review various perspectives on technology in movement disorders, including patient and medical professionals, and present technologies used in detecting, measuring progression, and determining response to treatments. Additional chapters review the technology used in various treatments of movement disorders, including assistive and robotic technologies. Finally, the last section examines the challenges with technology, including privacy and other ethical issues. Over the past few years, there have been fundamental changes in the diagnosing and treating patients with chronic diseases, significantly affecting management of neurological movement disorders. In addition, the health and fitness sector developed several devices to better classify, track, and potentially treat chronic diseases. Both handling and interpreting these large datasets has been revolutionized, by machine and deep learning approaches, leading to new and more effective therapies, resulting in longer survival rates.

Part 1: Digital technology: The primer
1. Digital technology: A multifacet discipline
2. Understanding medical and technical terminologies
3. Potential role of digital technologies in the management of PD: Unmet needs for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment
4. Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders for technologists

Part 2: Different stakeholders` perspectives on technology in movement disorders
5. Technology in movement disorders: patients` points of view and expectations
6. Technology in movement disorders: medical professionals` points of view and expectations
7. Which technology is available, what is in the pipeline?
8. Novel analysis approaches

Part 3: Technology in movement disorders: detecting disease, measuring progression and determining response to treatment
9. Technologies for Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
10. Technologies for monitoring of Parkinson’s disease
11. Technologies for management of other movement disorders (chorea, dystonia, gait disorders, etc)

Part 4: Technology in movement disorders: Treatment
12. Assistive technologies
13. Robotic technologies in movement disorders
14. Closed loop systems

Part 5: Challenges and future directions
15. The optimal digital health record: Implementation of technology
16. Challenges ahead: Harmonization of (digital) datasets, privacy and other ethical issues


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