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Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment
Khalbuss, Means
70,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Over 730 board exam-type questions
  • Over 300 high-quality full-color photomicrographs
  • Concise high-yield review with tables emphasizing key points
  • Written by experienced cytologists with intensive teaching experience

Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment is a comprehensive systems-based review of gynecological and breast cytology including cytomorphology, pitfalls and ancillary studies. Presented in a high-yield format with board-type multiple choice questions and detailed answers, this review includes chapters covering Pap smear cytology, colposcopy, breast FNA, and Pelvic washings. The book is also enriched with features to maximize studying and reviewing of cytopathology, including high-yield review with tables emphasizing key points, board exam-type questions, and high quality full-color images.
Written by cytologists and cytopathologists with experience in the practice of modern cytology, as well as intensive teaching experience at national and international levels. Gynecological and Breast Cytopathology Board Review and Self-Assessment provides an excellent review, resource, and self-assessment for pathologists, cytopathologists, cytotechnologists, and trainees preparing for board examinations.

1. The Pap Test: Technique and Reporting
 Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

2. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Infection and Cervical Lesions
 Chengquan Zhao, Huaitao Yang, Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

3. Normal, Infectious, and Reactive Changes in the Pap Test
 Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

4. Squamous Lesions in the Pap Test
 Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

5. Glandular Lesions in the Pap Test
 Walid E. Khalbuss, Marilee Means

6. Hyperchromatic Crowded Groups (HCG) in the Pap Test
 Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

7. Challenging and Uncommon Lesions in the Pap Test
 Jing Yu, Pamela Michelow, Walid E. Khalbuss

8. Management Issues and Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pap Test
 Asif Loya, Noreen Akhtar, Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

9. Pelvic Washings for Gynecological Lesions
 Marilee Means, Walid E. Khalbuss

10. Breast FNA: Cytomorphology and  Diagnostic Pitfalls
 Reda Saad, Walid E. Khalbuss, Marilee Means


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