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Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge concerning normal deglutition and foregut digestive processes and examines how abnormalities of swallowing or excessive/abnormal GER can lead to respiratory tract dysfunction and lung disease. In-depth Chapters deliver a concise review of the prevalence of GER in patients with lung disease and synthesize the current evidence regarding its diagnosis and management. Each chapter includes key points and a summary. In addition to outlining the current state of knowledge, each chapter provides a summary of ongoing research in the field and identifies the need for future research. Written by an international group of authors who are experts in their respective fields, Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung is a valuable resource for practicing clinicians, internists, pulmonologists and primary care personnel
1 Deglutition, Swallowing, and Airway Protection:
Physiology and Pathophysiology ......................................................... 1
Jacqui E. Allen
2 The Pathophysiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux ............................. 23
Nikki Johnston
3 Making an Accurate Diagnosis of GERD ........................................... 43
Edward D. Auyang and Brant K. Oelschlager
4 GER and Aspiration in Children ......................................................... 55
Jonathan E. Spahr and Raymond C. Maguire
5 Dysphagia, GER, and Aspiration in the Elderly ................................ 71
Joshua Malo, Kenneth S. Knox, and Ronnie Fass
6 Chronic Cough and Vocal Cord Dysfunction:
The Role of GER ................................................................................... 95
Jamal Hayat, Etsuro Yazaki, and Daniel Sifrim
7 GER in Asthma and COPD .................................................................. 119
Bindu Akkanti and Nicola A. Hanania
8 Sleep and GER ...................................................................................... 133
Susan M. Harding
9 Gastroesophageal Reflux in Cystic Fibrosis
and Non-CF Bronchiectasis .................................................................. 153
Ans Pauwels, Daniel Sifrim, and Lieven Dupont
10 GER and Aspiration in Interstitial Lung Disease .............................. 175
Keith C. Meyer and Ganesh Raghu
11 GER in Lung Transplantation ............................................................. 199
Keith C. Meyer and James D. Maloney
x Contents
12 Pharmacologic Treatment of GERD ................................................... 227
Eric Alan Gaumnitz
13 Surgical and Endoscopic Approaches to GERD ................................ 249
Marcelo W. Hinojosa and Carlos A. Pellegrini
Index ............................................................................................................... 267
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