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Essential Angioplasty
E. von Schmilowski, R. H. Swanton
119,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

A vast choice of techniques and technology confronts today’s interventional cardiologists, and those who are new to angioplasty need clear and practical guidance in order to develop good habits, avoid common pitfalls and become efficient and confident practitioners. Written to provide readers with a solid grounding in the basics of percutaneous techniques by providing selective, practical knowledge and a full range of useful tools and tips, Essential Angioplasty is:

  • Ideal for those seeking a solid foundation in percutaneous interventions
  • Designed for ease of use and retention of information; copiously illustrated with clear "take home messages" concluding each chapter
  • Packed with over 300 tips and tricks which readers can apply in their training and practice
  • Based on the authors' hands-on experience in the world's leading interventional cardiology training centers and years of proven teaching experience

Throughout, the authors follow the motto "keep it simple" and focus only on the information that will help the reader learn and master the relevant technique. This makes Essential Angioplasty the perfect companion for trainees and others seeking a reliable guide to achieving success in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Foreword, vii

Preface, viii

Acknowledgments, x

List of Abbreviations, xi

Chapter 1 Fundamentals, 1

Standards of Excellence in Interventional Cardiology, 1

Introduction to Interventional Procedures, 4

Vascular Access, 8

Coronary Anatomy and Projections, 25

Anomalies, 41

Left Ventriculography and Aortography, 51

Radiation Safety, 58

Chapter 2 Devices in Practice, 66

Guiding Catheters, 66

Guide Wires, 92

Balloons, 99

Stents, 110

Closure Devices, 122

Chapter 3 The Interventional Patient, 129

Elective PCI for Stable Coronary Artery Disease, 129

PCI in Acute Coronary Syndromes, 133

The Diabetic Patient, 162

Chapter 4 Interventional Pharmacotherapy, 167

Antiplatelet Agents in PCI, 167

Antithrombotic Agents in PCI, 182

Chapter 5 Techniques in Specifi c Lesions, 189

Left Main Coronary Artery, 189

Bifurcation Lesions, 203

Ostial Lesions, 238

Chronic Total Occlusion, 252

Grafts and Conduits, 273

Chapter 6 Complications, 288

Contrast Reactions, 288

Femoral Access Site Problems, 289

Radial Access Site Problems, 293

Air Injection, 294

No-Refl ow/Slow-Refl ow Phenomenon, 294

Coronary Spasm, 296

Pseudostenoses, 296

Coronary Perforation, 296

Coronary Dissection, 299

Stent Thrombosis, 303

Restenosis, 307

Stent Loss, 310

Hypotension, 311

Hypoglycemia, 312

Contrast-Induced Nephropathy, 312

New ST Elevation or Marked ST Depression, 317

Cardiac Arrest, 317

Emergency CABG, 319

Death, 319

Chapter 7 Intracoronary Imaging, 320

Intravascular Ultrasonography, 320

Virtual Histology, 335

Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR), 336

Optical Coherence Tomography, 339

List of Trials and Studies, 345

References, 348

Trials, 348

Guidelines, 357

Other Resources, 357

Index, 359


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