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Epilepsy and Intensive Care Monitoring
Demos Medical
112,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Unlike many other diagnostic procedures, EEG, now over 80 years old, and epilepsy monitoring, now over 40 years old, have demonstrated their usefulness and stood the test of time. Although the benefits of these diagnostic procedures are clear, monitoring is currently not available to the majority of patients in need. One of the factors limiting broader implementation is the lack of practitioners with special expertise.

Epilepsy and Intensive Care Monitoring was developed to address this concern. This practical volume contains detailed chapters covering all areas of clinical epilepsy monitoring. Featuring expert authors from major epilepsy centers, this seminal work reviews all current procedures and applications for monitoring adults and children with epilepsy in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and the ICU.

Opening sections are devoted to indications, procedures, administrative considerations, and technical aspects of the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and ICU monitoring, followed by dedicated sections on EEG diagnosis and localization and monitoring of neurological disorders in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and ICU. The book concludes with special procedures and an Appendix with guidelines for organizing epilepsy monitoring centers and technical aspects of EEG monitoring.

Key Features include

  • Covers both adult and pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring Unit and ICU monitoring
  • Contains over 235 high-quality EEGs and other illustrations, including an 8-page color section
  • Comprehensive coverage; no other book in this area has comparable breadth and depth
  • Clinical Focus Expert authors tell you when and how to perform the procedures they discuss

SECTION I: EPILEPSY AND INTENSIVE CARE MONITORING: INDICATIONS, PROCEDURES, AND ADMINISTRATION: 1. Patient Evaluation and Selection for Routine and Invasive Epilepsy Monitoring; 2. Continuous EEG in the Intensive Care Unit: Indications and Procedures; 3. Epilepsy Monitoring Unit: Pediatric and Adult Management; 4. EMU Design and Guidelines; 5. Administrative Considerations in Epilepsy and ICU Monitoring: Coding and Diagnostic Classification; SECTION II: TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF EPILEPSY AND INTENSIVE CARE MONITORING: 6. EEG Localization and Interpretation; 7. Computerized Signal Analysis and Event Detection; SECTION III: EPILEPSY MONITORING: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: 8. Special Considerations in Pediatric Monitoring; 9. Seizure Classification in Epilepsy Monitoring; 10. Epilepsy Syndromes; 11. Neurologic and Cardiovascular Disorders that Resemble Seizures; 12. Sleep Disorders that Resemble Seizures; 13. Psychiatric Disorders that Resemble Seizures; SECTION IV: EPILEPSY MONITORING: DIAGNOSTIC AND PRESURGICAL EVALUATIONS: 14. Diagnostic and Localizing Behavioral Features of Epileptic Seizures; 15. Diagnostic and Localizing Extracranial EEG Features of Epileptic Seizures; 16. Diagnostic and Localizing Intracranial EEG Features of Epileptic Seizures; 17. Intracranial Stimulation; SECTION V: ICU MONITORING: MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS: 18. Events That Mimic Seizures during ICU Monitoring; 19. Convulsive Seizures and Status Epilepticus; 20. Nonconvulsive Seizures and Status Epilepticus; 21. Encephalopathy and Prognosis in Coma; 22. Continuous EEG Monitoring for the Detection of Seizures in Traumatic Brain Injury: Detecting and Treating Post-Traumatic Epilepsy; 23. Stroke and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; SECTION VI: SPECIAL LOCALIZING PROCEDURES: 24. Neuroimaging Localizing Procedures; 25. Language and Memory Testing; APPENDICES: Epilepsy Center Guidelines; ACNS Epilepsy Monitoring Guidelines; Index


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