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Endothelium and Cardiovascular Diseases
Vascular Biology and Clinical Syndromes
Da Luz, Libby, Laurindo
Academic Press
185,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


  • Provides a complete overview of endothelial function in health and diseases, along with an assessment of new information
  • Includes coverage of groundbreaking areas, including the artificial LDL particle, the development of a new anti-erectile dysfunction agent, a vaccine for atherosclerosis, coronary calcification associated with red wine, and the interplay of endoplasmic reticulum/oxidative stress
  • Explores the genetic features of endothelium and the interaction between basic knowledge and clinical syndromes

Part I – Basic Features
Section I – Structure

1. Vascular Endothelium: a perspective
2. Development of the coronary system: perspectives for cellular therapy from differentiaton of its precursors
3. Translational patways in endothelial cell: Implications for angiogenesis
4. Endothelial barrier: factors that regulate its permeability
5. Growth factors, endothelial progenitor cells and angiogenesis
6. Characteristics of Endothelium in both sexes
Section II – Endocrine functions and metabolic interactions
7. Hemodynamic forces in the Endothelium: from mechanical transduction to atherosclerosis development
8. Endothelium dependent vasodilation: NO and other mediators
9. Endothelial vasoconstrictor substances produced by the endothelium
10.  Cellular redox pathways in endothelial dysfunction and vascular diseases
11.  Blood coagulation and Endothelium
12.  Genetics of Endothelium
13.  Epigenetic regulation of endothelial function
14.  Adhesion molecules and the Endothelium
15. Endothelium and Renin-Angiotensin System

Part II – Endothelial Dysfunction and Clinical Syndromes
Section III – Methods of investigation

16.  Methods for endothelial function investigations in humans
17.  Endothelial biomarkers
Section IV – Anging and cognitive function
18.  Endothelial alterations in aging
19.  Vascular function in dementia and cognitive decline
20.  Emotional stress and its influence upon the Endothelium
Section V - Lipoproteins
21.  Lipids and lipoprotein mediators of endothelial function and dysfunction
22.  HDL and Endothelium
23.  Artificial lipoproteins in endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis
Section VI – Diets and Endothelium
24.  Influences of diets upon endothelial function
25.  Effects of mediterranean diet upon endothelial function
26.  Effects of red wine and polyphenols upon endothelial function and clinical events
Section VII – Kidney and hypertensive diseases
27.  Kidney and the Endothelium
28.  Endothelium and arterial hypertension
29.  Endothelial alterations in pulmonary hypertension
Section VIII – Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease
30.  Endothelial alterations in chronic coronary disease
31. Molecular mechanisms of the arterial wall in acute coronary syndromes
32.  Endothelium: coordenator of acute and chronic inflamation
33.  Endothelium in atherosclerosis: plaque formation and its complications
34.  Risk factors and endothelial dysfunctions
35. Sleep disturbances and endothelial dysfunction
36. Smoking and Endothelium: Endothelial dysfunction and microcirculation in women with angina and normal coronaries
Section IX – Heart Failure
37. Endothelial alterations in heart failure: mechanisms and molecular basis
38.  Heart Failure: influences of drug intervention upon vessels
Section X – Percutaneous Coronary Interventions and Cardiac Surgery
39.  Endothelial repair after percutaneous intervention
40.  Stents and Endothelium
41. Vascular disease of the tranplanted heart: physiopathology and therapeutic options
Section XI – Metabolic Syndromes
42. Erectyle dysfunction and endothelium
43.  Obesity, Diabetes and Endothelium: molecular interactions
Section XII -  Non-Cardiovascular Diseases and Endothelium
44.  Endothelial mechanisms in pre-eclampsya
45.  Endothelium and nitric oxide: interactions in câncer evolution
46. Endothelial function and skin microcirculation
Section XIII – Treatment Options in Endothelial Dysfunction
47.  Endothelial dysfunction in the clinical setting: prognosis and therapeutic target
48.  Physical exercise and the Endothelium
49. Endothelium and immunologic alterations in atherosclerosis


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