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Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy
Bowra, McLaughlin
34,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The use of ultrasound in emergency medicine has proved invaluable in answering very specific, time-critical questions, such as the presence of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or of blood in the abdomen after trauma. Unlike other imaging modalities (e.g. CT scan) it is a rapid technique that can be brought to the patient with ease.

This book, Emergency Ultrasound Made Easy, is accessible and easy to use in an emergency. It is aimed mainly at specialists and trainees in emergency medicine, surgery and intensive care; but its broad scope (e.g. rapid diagnosis of DVT) makes it an invaluable addition to the library of any doctor with an interest in ultrasound, whether in primary care or the hospital setting.

New to this edition

This Second Edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to reflect the major advances in the practice of bedside ultrasound, and reflects the pioneering efforts of individual clinicians and the high-quality portable machines now available. This edition still firmly adheres to the principles of only using ultrasound where it adds value and only asking simple questions that may be readily addressed using ultrasound.

Author Info
By Justin Bowra, MBBS, FACEM, CCPU, Director of Emergency Medicine Training, Sydney Adventist Hospital; Senior Emergency Physician, Royal North Shore and Sydney Adventist Hospitals; Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney, Australia and Russell E McLaughlin, MB, BCH, BAO, FRCSI, MMedSci, FCEM, CFEU, Clinical Director, Emergency Department, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK


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