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Libreria medica internazionale
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Emergencies in Critical Care
Beed, Sherman, Mahajan
34,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Features easily accessible evidence-based guide for managing emergencies in critical care
  • Utilizes the standard "ABC" approach to emergency medicine
  • Every topic starts on a new page to aid ease-of-use
  • Easy-to-follow classifications of emergencies

New to this edition

  • Updated to reflect current national guidelines, recent research and new areas of importance
  • Normal values are compiled into one short chapter for quick reference
  • Includes a re-written chapter on procedures allowing for better understanding of the practical requirements

This essential handbook provides a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered in the critical care setting. Emergencies are very common in the critical care setting and this book helps critical care staff identify patients at risk, how to manage them, and be prepared. To help the reader find advice quickly, most chapters begin with a generic description of how to manage emergencies affecting that system, or patient group. This is followed by details of specific diagnoses and how they should be managed. The author team, where possible, follow the 'ABC' approach, which is not only the standard approach to emergency management, but also a widely-used scheme for documenting daily reviews on ICU, and for documenting trauma management.

This second edition covers new areas of importance, including sections on how to deal with adverse events and critical incidents involving critically ill patients, patient-safety and improved patient rescue packages, and on the practicalities of infection control procedures. Normal values have been combined in to one short chapter for easy reference.

Easy to use and evidence-based, this book will help all critical care staff involved with the management of emergencies, from the new junior doctor to the experienced consultant in a portable and easily-readable format.

1: Assessment and stabilization
2: Airway
3: Breathing
4: Circulation
5: Neurology
6: Metabolic, endocrine and environmental injury
7: Renal
8: Gastrointestinal and hepatic
9: Haematology and oncology
10: Infections
11: Surgical patients
12: Trauma, burns, and skin injury
13: Obstetric and fertility patients
14: Poisoning and overdose
15: Incidents and adverse events
16: Communication and organ donation
17: Common emergency procedures


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