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Electrical Diseases of the Heart
Gussak, Antzelevitch, Wilde, Powell, Ackerman, Shen
170,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Provides a perspective on primary (heritable) electrical disease of the heart and sudden cardiac death in cardiology, neurology, nephrology, endocrinology by emphasizing the clinical and basic aspects of the physiology and pathophysiology  
  • Thought-provoking and enlightening emphases on the latest research and clinical accomplishments  
  • Chapters strucutred with exposure to the experimental background of each electrical disease, syndrome, and ECG phenomenon stressing the relationship with clinical practice 

The past two decades have witnessed an explosion of knowledge and radical changes in our understanding of the molecular, ionic, genetic, and pharmacologic basis of electrical diseases of the heart. Electrical diseases of the heart are heritable arrhythmogenic clinical entities that may share common clinical and genetic features, yet may be distinctly different in their genesis, prognosis, and management. Notably, both congenital and acquired electrical diseases of the heart are receiving increased recognition as a result of important advances in genetic analysis.

In this second edition of Electrical Diseases of the Heart, the Editors’ goal has been to embrace and highlight the explosion of knowledge that our field has witnessed since the publication of the first edition.  The approach continues to be one of bridging basic and clinical science in an attempt to advance meaningfully our understanding of heart disease and identify the knowledge gaps that exist. This volume covers the diagnostic and treatment options available in the management of electrical diseases and with its companion volume provides the latest developments in the field of experimental and clinical cardiac electrophysiology, genetics, pharmacology and interventional therapies of various clinical arrhythmogenic entities.

Residents, fellows and physicians in cardiology and electrophysiology will gain valuable insight into the latest developments in the field of cardiac electrophysiology and clinical electrocardiology by reading this book, including expert review of the genetic and epidemiologic considerations, diagnostic and therapeutic modalities of the newly discovered clinical syndromes and electrocardiographic phenomena, and their correlation with the most recent advances in the basic science.


Table of contents

Secondary Hereditary and Acquired Cardiac Channelopathies and Sudden Cardiac Death.- Cardiac Remodeling.- Arrhythmias and Arrhythmia Management in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.- Sudden Cardiac Death in Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Skeletal Muscular Dystrophy.- Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy / Dysplasia.- Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome and the Risk of Sudden Death.- Acquired (Drug-Induced) Long and Short QT Syndromes.- Acquired Form of Brugada Syndrome.- Clinical Rhythmology: Diagnostic Methods and Tools.- Abnormal Electrical Functions of the Heart and Their Diagnoses in Clinic.- Diagnostic Electrocardiography.- Microvolt T Wave Alternans: Mechanisms and Implications for Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death.- Heart Rate Variability: Measurements and Risk Stratification.- Orthostatic Challenge Tests: Active Standing and Head-Up Tilt.- Signal Averaged ECG Surface Mapping and Magneto-Electrocardiography.- Ambulatory Monitoring: Holter, Event Recorders, External, and Implantable Loop Recorders and Wireless Technology.- Device Therapy for Remote Patient Management.- Invasive Electrophysiologic Testing: Role in Sudden Death Prediction.- Provocative (Drug) Testing in Inherited Arrhythmias.- Novel Predictors of Sudden Cardiac Death.- Genetic Testing.- Risk Stratification of Sudden Cardiac Death in Acquired Clinical Conditions.- Screening for Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death.- Risk Stratification for Sudden Death in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.- Sudden Death in Athletes.- Cardiac Channelopathies and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.- Heart Failure and Sudden Death.- Neurologic Conditions and Sudden Death.- Sudden Cardiac Death and Alcohol.- Sudden Cardiac Death and Addictive Chemical Substances.- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Sudden Death.- Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Chronic Kidney Disease.- Clinical Trials in Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention: Principles and Endpoints.-Treatment and Prevention Modalities.- Treatment Modalities.- Clinical Role of Antiarrhythmic Drugs in the Prevention of Sudden Death.- Non-Antiarrhythmic Drugs in Sudden Death Prevention.- Non-Surgical Treatment and Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation.- Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.- Catheter Ablation for Triggered Ventricular Fibrillation and Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia.- Catheter Ablation for Scar-Dependent Ventricular Tachycardia.- The Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: Technical and Clinical Considerations.- Beyond Sudden Death Prevention: Minimizing ICD Shocks and Morbidity, and Optimizing Efficacy.- Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronization.



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