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DSM-5™ Handbook of Differential Diagnosis
APPI American Psychiatric Publishing
68,00 €
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The DSM-5™ Handbook of Differential Diagnosis is the preeminent guide to differential diagnosis for both clinicians and students learning psychiatric diagnosis. Based closely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, it offers a rich selection of perspectives in an easy-to-use format. The author, an expert on psychiatric diagnosis and assessment, recognizes that psychological distress cannot be reduced to a rubric. The clinician must have empathy, listening skills, the ability to identify symptoms and contextualize them, and a familiarity with the body of knowledge represented by DSM-5™. The handbook brings these critical skills together in a well-written, accessible, and reader-friendly volume that is grounded in the latest research and standard of practice.

The handbook offers an assortment of approaches to differential diagnosis, and a number of features designed to benefit clinicians in the exam room, including:

  • A six-step framework for diagnosing patients that proceeds from determining if the symptom is real to establishing the boundary between disorder and normality, with intermediary steps to rule out substance etiology and medical conditions, as well as to determine the primary disorder and to differentiate adjustment disorders from other mental disorders.
  • Twenty-nine symptom-oriented decision trees that provide detailed decision points to facilitate the process of generating the differential diagnosis based on the presenting symptoms and eliminate formulating premature conclusions.
  • Sixty-six differential diagnosis tables, one for each of the most important DSM-5® disorders, cross-referenced with the terminal branches of the decision trees presented in the handbook to provide a head-to-head comparison of each disorder, highlighting similarities and differences.
  • The DSM-5™ classification, to facilitate coding and to provide an overview of all of the DSM-5™ diagnoses that must be considered in formulating a differential diagnosis.
  • Alphabetical indexes of the decision trees and differential diagnosis tables to help readers readily locate desired material.

DSM-5™ Handbook of Differential Diagnosis provides a comprehensive overview of the process of diagnosing DSM-5™ disorders while serving as a reference guide to assist in the differential diagnosis of individual patients. The handbook is an invaluable addition to the DSM-5™ collection and an important contribution to the mental health profession.

Preface. Differential Diagnosis Step by Step. Differential Diagnosis by the Trees: Neurodevelopmental Presentations. Poor school performance. Behavioral problems in a child or adolescent. Speech disturbance. Distractibility. Psychotic Presentations. Delusions. Hallucinations. Catatonic symptoms. Bipolar Presentations. Elevated or expansive mood. Irritable mood. Depressive Presentations. Depressed mood. Suicidal ideation and behavior. Psychomotor retardation. Anxiety Presentations. Anxiety. Panic attacks. Avoidance behaviors. Trauma- and Stressor-Related Presentations. Trauma or psychosocial stressors involved in the etiology. Somatic Symptom Presentations. Somatic complaints or irrational anxiety about illness or appearance. Feeding or Eating Presentations. Appetite changes or unusual eating behavior. Sleep-Wake Presentations. Insomnia. Hypersomnolence. Sexual Dysfunction Presentations. Sexual dysfunction in a female. Sexual dysfunction in a male. Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Presentations. Aggressive behavior. Impulsivity or impulse control problems. Self-injury or self-mutilation. Substance-Related Presentations. Excessive substance use. Neurocognitive Presentations. Memory loss. Cognitive impairment. Etiological Medical Presentations. Etiological medical conditions. Differential Diagnosis By the Tables: Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder). Communication disorders. Autism spectrum disorder. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Specific learning disorders. Tic disorders. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders. Schizophrenia. Schizoaffective disorder. Delusional disorder. Brief psychotic disorder. Catatonic disorder (other specified). Bipolar and Related Disorders. Bipolar I disorder. Bipolar II disorder. Cyclothymic disorder. Depressive Disorders. Major depressive disorder. Persistent depressive disorder. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Anxiety Disorders. Separation anxiety disorder. Selective mutism. Specific phobia. Social anxiety disorder (social phobia). Panic disorder. Agoraphobia. Generalized anxiety disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder. Hoarding disorder. Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder). excoriation disorder (skin-picking disorder). Trauma- and Stress-Related Disorders. Posttraumatic stress disorder/acute stress disorder. Adjustment disorder. Dissociative Disorders. Dissociative amnesia. Depersonalization-derealization disorder. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders. Somatic symptom disorder. Illness anxiety disorder. Conversion disorder. Psychological factors affecting medical condition. Factitious disorder. Feeding and Eating Disorders. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa. Binge-eating disorder. Sleep-Wake Disorders. Insomnia disorder. Hypersomnolence disorder. Sexual Dysfunctions. Sexual dysfunction. Gender Dysphoria. Gender dysphoria. Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders. Oppositional-defiant disorder. Intermittent explosive disorder. Conduct disorder. Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. Substance use disorder. Gambling disorder. Neurocognitive Disorders. Delirium. Neurocognitive disorder. Personality Disorders. Paranoid personality disorder. Schizoid personality disorder. Schizotypal personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder. Histrionic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder. Avoidant personality disorder. Dependent personality disorder. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Personality change due to another medical condition. Paraphilic Disorders. Paraphilic disorder. Appendix: DSM-5 Classification. Alphabetic Index of Decision Trees. Alphabetic Index of Differential Diagnosis Tables


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