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Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and SBAs and MCQs for Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Pack
Scarth, Smith, Blandford
Oxford University Press
60,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This great value pack brings together the Fifth edition of the highly popular and established Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, with its companion SBA and MCQ book, to enable trainees to thoroughly prepare for their anaesthesia and intensive care examinations.

Drugs in is an essential reference text that details drugs in anaesthesia and intensive care in an A-Z format. The book describes the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of all the drugs commonly used in clinical practice. The A-Z organisation allows rapid access to specific information on the properties and characteristics of almost 200 drugs.

The complementary title, SBAs and MCQs for Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care provides high quality pharmacology practice questions for exam revision. Focusing specifically on pharmacological principles and agents, it is tailored for postgraduate exams in anaesthesia and intensive care including the FRCA, FFICM, the EDAIC and the EDIC.

Over 230 True/False MCQs and Single Best Answers help readers to test and consolidate knowledge learnt from Drugs in. Questions are arranged into 17 subject-themed chapters to focus revision. Structured questions and answers are accompanied by detailed explanations, cross-references to Drugs in where relevant, and further reading.

The pack is an ideal revision resource for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA), the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EDAIC), the Fellowship of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM), and the European Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine (EDIC) examinations.

'Drugs in'
Information on over 180 commonly used drugs, presented in alphabetical order
'SBAs and MCQs'
1:Inhaled anaesthetic agents, Claire Blandford
2:Intravenous anaesthetic agents, David Levy
3:Local anaesthetic agents, Claire Blandford
4:Drugs affecting neuromuscular function, Graham C. McCracken
5:Analgesics: opiods, Sarah Shaw
6:Analgesics: non-opiods, David Hutchins and Claire Blandford
7:Antimicrobial agents, Edward Scarth
8:Intravenous fluids and blood products, Sarah Shaw
9:Pharmacological principles, Graham C. McCracken
10:Drugs affecting the Central Nervous System, David Levy and Claire Blandford
11:Drugs affecting the Cardiovascular System, Helen Marshall
12:Drugs affecting the Respiratory System, Helen Marshall
13:Drugs affecting the Gastrointestinal System, Graham C. McCracken
14:Drugs affecting the Renal Tract, Helen Marshall
15:Drugs affecting the Endocrine System, David Levy
16:Drugs affecting the Haematological and Immunological Systems, Edward Scarth
17:Drugs in overdose, Edward Scarth


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