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Digital Mammography
Whitman, Milner Haygood
Cambridge University Press
78,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Digital mammography has many advantages over film-screen mammography, including faster acquisition, easier storage and easier retrieval of images. Written by expert radiologists and physicists, Digital Mammography: A Practical Approach compares digital mammography to conventional film-screen mammography, reviews clinical cases and explores newer modalities. Key topics include: • Digital detectors • Monitors • Image acquisition • Image storage, retrieval and transfer • Image interpretation and efficacy • Artifacts • A comparison of commercially available systems • Mobile digital mammography. An image atlas and sections on digital tomosynthesis and computed tomography of the breast enhance the text. Digital Mammography: A Practical Approach melds the worlds of clinical radiology and physics in an easy-to-understand, practical resource. A valuable addition to the shelf of radiologists, radiologic technicians, practising medical physicists and mammography technologists; and any practitioners developing and expanding digital mammography programs.

  • Includes clinical cases to enable readers to learn from the experience of others
  • Practical information on every aspect of the technique aids in organizing and executing a digital mammography program
  • Features current and emerging information on digital mammography and the new technique, digital tomosynthesis


  • Table of Contents

    1. Detectors for digital mammography Andrew Karellas and Srinivasan Vedantham
    2. Image acquisition Tanya W. Stephens and Jihong Wang
    3. Preparing digital mammography images for interpretation Basak E. Dogan
    4. Image display and visualization in digital mammography Jihong Wang and William R. Geiser
    5. PACS, storage and archiving – our experience at a private outpatient facility Stamatia Destounis, Valerie Andolina, Shannon DeMay, Diana Kissel, Stephen Switzer and Nancy Wayne
    6. Interpretation of digital screening mammography Tamara Miner Haygood and Basak E. Dogan
    7. Efficacy of digital screening mammography Tamara Miner Haygood
    8. Artifacts in digital mammography William R. Geiser
    9. Mobile digital mammography Michael Ryan
    10. Procedures with digital mammography Gary J. Whitman, Malak Itani, Callie Cheatham and Philip M. Tchou
    11. Digital breast tomosynthesis Alexis V. Nees
    12. Breast computed tomography Gary J. Whitman, Chao-Jen Lai, Xinming Lui, Malak Itani, Raunak Khisty and Chris C. Shaw
    13. Cases Michael N. Linver and Robert D. Rosenberg
    14. Comparison of commercially available systems Karla Sepulveda



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