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Comprehensive Atlas of 3D Echocardiography
175,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The Comprehensive Atlas of 3D Echocardiography takes full advantage of today’s innovative multimedia technology. To help the reader understand the unique dynamic nature of a comprehensive 3D echocardiographic examination, the printed pages are supplemented with a companion website; this Atlas introduces the use of anatomy specimens, videos, unique imaging windows, and novel displays obtained with cropping tools.  This approach offers a clear picture of how the diagnostic and monitoring capabilities of 3D echocardiography can benefit patients with a wide range of cardiovascular pathology, including congenital heart disease.


By showing a large number and variety of case studies, this Atlas demonstrates how 3D echocardiography can greatly enhance the diagnosis and clinical decision-making, especially when compared to two-dimensional techniques.


Whether you’re a Cardiologist, Sonographer, Anesthesiologist, Intensivist, Cardiac Surgeon, Researcher or any other Cardiovascular Medicine Professional, you’ll find this new Comprehensive Atlas of 3D Echocardiography is a must have reference book.



• Companion website includes more than 350 videos and 400 still images

• Emphasizes real-time 3D TEE technology

• Comparisons with anatomic specimens and 2D echocardiographic images provided, where helpful, to aid in the understanding of how 3D     views and measurements relate to standard 2D techniques


1. Transthoracic and Transesophageal Matrix Transducers and Image Formation Enrico G. Caiani 2. Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Luigi P. Badano, Denisa Muraru, Carlo Dal Lin, Sabino Iliceto 3.  Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Size and Function Victor Mor-Avi, Lynn Weinert, Roberto M. Lang 4.  Chamber Quantifi cation: Beyond the Left Ventricle Lynn Weinert, Victor Mor-Avi, Roberto M. Lang 5.  Mitral Valve: Normal Aspects Benjamin H. Freed, Lynn Weinert, Roberto M. Lang 6.  Three-Dimensional Echocardiography for Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease Stanton K. Shernan 7.  Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Sonal Chandra, Masaaki Takeuchi, Roberto M. Lang 8.  Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Imaging of Prosthetic Valves Wendy Tsang, David A. Roberson, Roberto M. Lang 9.  Aortic Valve Gila Perk, Itzhak Kronzon, Muhamed Saric 10.  Tricuspid Valve Stephane Lambert and Mark S. Hynes 11.  Catheter-Based Procedures to Repair Structural Heart Diseases Muhamed Saric, Gila Perk, Carlos Ruiz, Itzhak Kronzon 12.  3D Echo for Guidance of Intervention in Structural Heart Disease Robert J. Siegel, Swaminatha Gurudevan, Kirsten Tolstrup, Nirmal Singh, Huai Luo, Takahiro Shiota 13.  3D Echocardiography of Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects David A. Roberson and Vivian Wei Cui 14.  Pediatric Aspects of Three-Dimensional Echocardiography Girish S. Shirali and John M. Simpson 15.  Cardiac Masses Jeanne M. DeCara and Roberto M. Lang


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