Section 1: Basic Surgical Principles and Perioperative Manageme
1. Clinical Approach to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Patients
Case History 4
Chief Complaint 4
History of the Present Illness 4
Medical History 4
Social History 5
Family History 5
Review of Systems 6
Examination of the Patient—General Procedure 6
Vital Signs 6
Craniofacial Region Examination 7
Facial Structures 8
Lips 8
Cheeks 8
Maxillary and Mandibular Mucobuccal Folds 8
Hard Palate and Soft Palate 8
Tongue 8
Floor of the Mouth 8
Gingivae 9
Teeth and Periodontium 9
Tonsils and Oropharynx 9
Salivary Glands 9
Neck and Lymph Nodes 10
2. Preoperative Care and Evaluation
Preoperative Evaluation 12
Systemic assessment 14
3. Principles of Postoperative Care
Postoperative Care 22
4. Postoperative Complications and Management
Pulmonary Complications 31
Ophthalmological Complications 35
5. Medically Compromised Patient Preparation for Maxillofacial Surgery 36
Cardiovascular System 36
Diabetes mellitus 38
Clinics in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Hemophilia, Anticoagulation 39
Thyroid Disorders 40
Adrenal Diseases 41
Renal Disease 41
Hepatic Disease 41
Respiratory Disease 42
Immunocompromised Patient 42
Section 2: Examination of Maxillofacial Trauma Patient
6. Initial Assessment and Emergency Care of Maxillofacial Trauma Patient 45
Initial Assessment 45
Preparation 45
Triage 46
Trauma Scoring Systems 47
Primary Survey 49
7. Neurological Consequences Associated with Maxillofacial Injury
Pathophysiology 55
Classification of Head Injuries 55
Primary Assessment 57
Secondary Assessment 57
Neurological Examination 59
Cranial Nerves Examination 59
Examination of Motor System 60
Examination of Sensory System 60
Imaging 61
Unconscious Patient 61
Critical Care in Head Injury 61
Contribution of Neurosurgeon in Trauma Team 61
8. Maxillofacial Trauma: First 24 Hours in Intensive Care Unit
Intensive Care Unit 62
Prioritization 62
Case Presentation 68
9. Basic Principles for the Management of Maxillofacial Trauma
Approach to a suspected fracture 75
Reduction 78
Fixation 79
Titanium Miniplates 80
Newer Development in Osteosynthesis 82
Locking Plates 83