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Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine
Roberts, Hedges
160,00 €
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Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, by James R. Roberts, MD & Jerris R. Hedges, MD, MS, is far and away the most well-known and trusted procedures manual in emergency medicine. Completely updated with the latest equipment, devices, drug therapies, and techniques, this 5th edition enables you to make optimal use of today's best options. A new full-color format makes the book easier to consult than ever before, and online access at lets you rapidly reference the complete contents from any computer. Online and in print, you'll see exactly how and when to perform every type of emergency procedure, so you can choose and implement the best possible approach for every patient!
New to this edition
  • Covers the latest equipment, devices, drug therapies, and techniques, including new devices for cricothyrotomy, monitoring CPR effectiveness, intraosseous infusion, autotransfusion and transfusion therapy, and wound closure.
  • Incorporates coverage of ultrasound-guided procedures throughout the book to assist you in the use of these increasingly pervasive new techniques.
  • Presents a new chapter on Chemical and Physical Restraints to facilitate management of violent or aggressive patients.
  • Features a brand new full-color design together with all-new algorithms, illustrations, and tables for expedited reference and streamlined clinical decision making.
  • Reflects the most recent clinical evidence and guidelines for dependable decision-making guidance.
  • Includes online access via Expert Consult, allowing you to rapidly reference the book's complete contents from any computer. A perfect source for quick answers in your challenging, fast-paced field!
  • Offers updated coverage of tracheal intubation and infectious exposure management, so you can make spilt-second decisions on these difficult procedures.
Author Info
By James R. Roberts, MD, Professor, Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Director, Division of Toxicology, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA; Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Director, Division of Toxicology, Director, Institute for the Treatment of Poisonous Bites and Stings, Mercy Health System, Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia/Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital, Philadelphia, PA and Jerris R. Hedges, MD, MS, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, and Director, Emergency Medicine Research Programs, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland OR; Attending Physician, University Hospital and Veterans Affairs Medical Center Hospital, Portland, OR; Editor-in-Chief, Academic Emergency Medicine


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