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Chemical Peels, 2nd Edition
Tung, Rubin
136,00 € 68,00 €
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The 2nd Edition of Chemical Peels, by Drs. Mark G. Rubin and Rebecca Tung, shows you how to get great results by performing the newest techniques and treatments. Explore new chapters devoted to body peeling, review adjunct therapies and various methods used internationally, master chemical peeling for darker skin types, and examine case studies with before-and-after clinical photographs. Complemented by procedures captured on DVD, this new edition in the Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series lets you offer your patients the best skin rejuvenation methods available today.

New to this edition






  • Confidently meet the growing demand for chemical body peeling with a targeted chapter addressing the stronger chemical concentrations and added skills needed, the extent of treatments, and the body areas that prove the most resistant.
  • Enhance outcomes for your patients with new coverage of the CROSS technique for improving hard-to-treat scars.
  • Explore new chapters on comprehensive complications with expert advice on how to avoid them and details on corrective management.
  • Know how to vary your technique for patients with darker skin types, and learn alternate approaches used internationally.
  • Get expert tips by viewing case study details with "before-and-after" clinical photographs.
  • Watch experts perform beginning-to-end procedures including superficial, medium, and deep peels via video on DVD.
Author Info
By Rebecca Tung, MD, DuPage Medical Group, Illinois and Case Western Reserve University, MetroHealth Medical Center, Ohio, USA and Mark G. Rubin, MD, The Lasky Clinic, Beverly Hills, CA, USA


Table of Contents:

1 Chemistry of Peelings and Hypothesis of the Mechanism of Action

Luc Dewandre, Alain Tenenbaum

2 Choosing the Correct Peel for the Appropriate Person

Yardy Tse

3 The Role of Priming the Skin for Peels

Barry I. Resnik

4 Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peel

Chérie M. Ditre

5 Salicylic Acid Peels

Pearl E. Grimes

6 The Progressive Peel: The Combined Jessner, TCA, Retinoid Peel

James E. Fulton Jr

7 Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA Peels)

Janie M. Leonhardt, Kathleen Rossy, Naomi Lawrence

8 Phenol Peeling

Phillip A. Stone

9 Peeling in Darker Skin Types

Doris M. Hexsel, Camile Luiza Hexsel, Juliana Dumêt Fernandes, Peter Paul Rullan

10 Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars (CROSS) Technique

Kee Yang Chung, Jung Bock Lee, Kwang Hoon Lee, Sung Bin Cho

11 Proprietary Peels

Suzan Obagi, Shauna Kranendonk

12 Body Peels

Rebecca Tung, Rebecca Tung, Mauricio Sato, Natalie Kim, Fabiane Mulinari Brenner

13 Chemical Peeling: The European Experience

Gabriella Fabbrocini, Maria Pia De Padova, Antonella Tosti

14 Chemical Peeling: Combinations of Therapy

Gary D. Monheit

15 Avoiding Complications with Chemical Peels

David M. Duffy

16 Complications of Chemical Peeling

Kyle M. Coleman, William P. Coleman III


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