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Breast Pathology
O'Malley, Pinder, Mulligan
150,00 €
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Breast Pathology, a title in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, provides all of the most essential information on the pathological entities encountered in practice in an easy-to-use format. Drs. Frances P. O'Malley, Sarah E. Pinder, and Anna Marie Mulligan provide unparalleled expert guidance for the study and diagnosis of a broad spectrum of breast lesions as well as the broad range of appearances of normal breast tissue. The consistent, practical format with a wealth of illustrations, at-a-glance boxes, and tables, along with online access at, make this title ideal for quick reference for both novices and experienced breast pathologists

New to this edition




  • Access the fully searchable text online at, along with a downloadable image bank, illustrations, boxes, tables, and more.
  • Apply the latest molecular diagnostic techniques to recognize newly identified classifications in breast disease.
  • Get more of the information you need from new and expanded chapters covering a broad range of diseases and topics including fine needle aspiration cytology and the physical handling of core biopsy specimens; handling and evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes; diseases of the male breast; and state-of-the-art coverage of molecular advances in malignant breast disease.
  • Prepare for the future of breast pathology with a new chapter dedicated to gene profiling and stem cell diagnostic techniques.
Author Info
By Frances P. O'Malley, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, Associate Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto; Anatomic Pathologist, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Sarah E. Pinder, MBChB, FRCPath, Consultant Histopathologist, The City Hospital NHS Trust; Department of Histopathology, University of Nottingham Medical School, Nottinghan, UK and Anne Marie Mulligan


Table of Contents:


Chapter 1 Diagnostic Methodologies: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Chapter 2 Handling of Surgical Specimens

Chapter 3 Core Biopsy - Methodologies, Reporting and Management Issues

Chapter 4 Overview of Clinical Aspects of Breast Disease

Chapter 5 Overview of Radiologic Aspects of Breast Disease

Chapter 6 Normal Breast

Chapter 7 Inflammatory Lesions, Infections and Silicone Granulomas

Chapter 8 Sclerosing Lesions: Sclerosing Adenosis, Radial Scar/Complex Sclerosing Lesion, Microglandular Adenosis

Chapter 9 Papillary Lesions

Chapter 10 Fibroepithelial Lesions, Including Fibroadenoma and Phyllodes Tumors

Chapter 11 Benign Stromal Lesions of the Breast

Chapter 12 Disease of the Nipple

Chapter 13 Fibrocystic Change and Columnar Cell Lesions

Chapter 14 Usual Epithelial Hyperplasia and Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia

Chapter 15 Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

Chapter 16 Molecular Genetics of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

Chapter 17 Morphology of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

Chapter 18 Invasive carcinoma - Special Types

Chapter 19 Histologic Grade

Chapter 20 Invasive Carcinoma: Other Histologic Prognostic Factors, Prognostic Indices and Application of Prognostic Information for Patient Management

Chapter 21 Familial Breast Cancer

Chapter 22 Handling and Evaluation of Sentinel Lymph Nodes

Chapter 23 Sentinel Node Biopsy and Lymph Node Classification in the 7th Edition Staging Manual

Chapter 24 Breast Cancer Biomakers: Prognostic and Predictive Value and External Quality Assurance

Chapter 25 An Overview of Immunohistochemistry in Diagnosis of Breast Lesions

Chapter 26 Other Malignant Lesions of the Breast

Chapter 27 Diseases of the Male Breast

Chapter 28 Breast Cancer - Emerging Methods for the Assessment of Primary Tumors, Including Genomic and Stem Cell Characterization in Breast Cancer


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