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Libreria medica internazionale
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Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
A Multidisciplinary Review with Case Presentations
Bocklage, Quinn, Schmit, Verschraegen
JP Medical Publishers
180,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
This is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated review of orthopaedic oncology that is multi-disciplinary, integrative and highly practical.
Introductory chapters cover overviews of the basics of bone and soft tissue tumors – the pathology, radiology and surgical and oncologic management. These are followed by chapters covering all tumor types organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumors.  Each class of tumor is dealt with in detail, with case presentations illustrating how they would be diagnosed and managed in a clinical setting. The range of variation of each tumor type is indicated with appropriate radiological and pathological images. Detailed tables and flow charts provide quick access to vital diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type.
This book provides an expert, case-based approach to orthopaedic oncology and  patient care for trainees and practising orthopaedic surgeons, pathologists and radiologists.
·         A practical and comprehensive review of orthopaedic oncology
·         Covers all tumor types and their range of variation
·         Organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumors
·         Tables and flow charts provide diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type


Table of Contents
1. Pathology of musculoskeletal tumors
2. Radiology overview of soft tissue and bone tumors
3. Surgery of musculoskeletal tumors: principles of diagnosis and treatment predictions for the future
4. Medical/Radiation Oncology of Musculoskeletal tumors
5. Adipocytic tumors
6. Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumors
7. "Fibrohistocytic" tumors of soft tissues
8. Muscle tumors of soft tissues
9. Pericytic/perivascular tumors
10. Vascular tumors of soft tissues
11. Chondroosseous tumors of soft tissues
12. Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue
13. Neural/perineural tumors and paraganglioma of soft tissue
14. Miscellaneous soft tissue tumors of uncertain differentiation
15. Metastatic tumors of soft tissue and bone
16. Cartilaginous tumors of bones and joints
17. Osteogenic tumors of bone
18. Fibrogenic tumors of bone
19. "Fibrohistiocytic" tumors of bone
20. Ewing sarcoma/PNET tumors of bone
21. Hematopoietic tumors of bone
22. Giant cell tumors of bone
23. Notochordal lesions of bone
24. Vascular tumors of bone
25. Uncommon primary bone tumors
26. Bone tumors of undefined nature
27. Benign mimics of bone and soft tissue tumors



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