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Avoiding Common Prehospital Errors
Lawner, Slovis, Fowler, Pepe
31,00 €
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Avoiding Common Prehospital Errors, will help you develop the deep understanding of common patient presentations necessary to prevent diagnostic and treatment errors and to improve outcomes.  Providing effective emergency care in the field is among the most challenging tasks in medicine. You must be able to make clinically vital decisions quickly, and perform a wide range of procedures, often under volatile conditions.Written specifically for the prehospital emergency team, this essential volume in the Avoiding Common Errors Series combines evidence-based practice with well-earned experience and best practices opinion to help you avoid common errors of prehospital care.Look inside and discover…• Concise descriptions of each error are followed by insightful analysis of the “hows” and “whys” underlying the mistake, and clear descriptions of ways to avoid such errors in the future.• “Pearls” highlighted in the text offer quick vital tips on error avoidance based on years of clinical and field experience.• Focused content emphasizes "high impact" areas of prehospital medicine, including airway management, cardiac arrest, and respiratory and traumatic emergencies.

Section I  Airway Management 1         Don’t Have a Failed Airway Because You Failed to Prepare Marianne Gausche-Hill   2         Don’t Forget to Properly Position the Patient Prior to Attempting Intubation! Christopher Touzeau and Benjamin Kaufman   3         Which Patients Should Undergo RSI? It’s Not Just About the Clenched Jaw! Benjamin Kaufman and Christopher Touzeau   4         If a Non-rebreather Is Not Cutting It, Slap on the PAP. Use Noninvasive Positive Pressure in Patients in Moderate to Severe Respiratory Distress Steven Barmach   5         Cannulas Aren’t Just for Supplemental Oxygen Anymore: Use EtCO2 for Differentiating Causes of Respiratory Distress Jonathan Wendell   6         Errors in Difficult Airway Assessment: Always Assess the Anatomy First Jonathan Wenk   7         Problems Encountered with Movement and Airway Management: Confirm and Reconfirm Endotracheal Intubation Scott H. Wheatley   8         High Pressure Airway? Lay Off the Cricoid! Benjamin Lawner   9         Don’t Be So Quick to Throw Your Battery-Operated Laryngoscope Away! Benjamin Lawner   10     Drop That Tube! Stephen C. Andrews   11     It’s Not All About Intubation: New Perspectives on Prehospital Airway Management Kevin G. Seaman   12     GCS Less Than 8? Don’t Automatically Intubate! Benjamin Lawner   13     I Can’t See Cords! What to Do When You’re Already in Too Deep Benjamin Lawner   14     Pediatric Airway Management: Don’t Underestimate the Value of a Stepwise Approach Spencer C. Smith   15     Practice Makes Perfect: There’s Never Enough Practice Jessica Manka and Cynthia Shen   16     RSI Without Paralytics? Just Don’t Do It Benjamin Lawner   17     Tantalizingly Tangible Techniques for Telegraphing the Tough Tube P. Marc Fischer and Kevin G. Seaman   Section II  Respiratory Emergencies 18     Avoid Becoming a Patient When Transporting One Jeremy Brywczynski and Jared McKinney   19     Avoid Hyperventilation and Know the Downfalls of Positive Pressure in the Intubated Patient Jeffrey M. Goodloe   20     Be Careful of Just a Little Blood! Benjamin W. Webster   21     Fear the Tracheostomy Patient! Christopher B. Colwell   22     Common Pitfalls in the Use of Pulse Oximetry Karen Wanger   23     Beware the Intubated Patient! Jared McKinney and Jeremy Brywczynski   24     Don’t Underestimate Waveform Capnography in the Intubated Patient Jeffrey M. Goodloe   25     The Dos and Don’ts of Nitroglycerin in Acute Respiratory Distress James V. Dunford   26     Fear the Elderly Patient With New Onset Wheezing Marc Eckstein   27     The Perils and Pitfalls of Needle Decompression Jullette M. Saussy   28     Don’t Forget CPAP in Prehospital Respiratory Distress Kathleen Schrank   29     Use Caution With Morphine in Treatment of Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema        Neal Richmond and Jesse Yarbrough   30     To PE or Not to PE? Don’t Forget Embolism in the Patient With Shortness of Breath! Neal Richmond and Jesse Yarbrough   31     Avoid Inappropriate Administration of Furosemide Jullette M. Saussy   32     Shortness of Breath: It’s Not Always the Lungs Corey M. Slovis   33     Adults Get Stridor Too Jeff Beeson   34     The Perils of Treating a Patient in Status Asthmaticus John P. Freese   35     Toxic Inhalation Pitfalls J. Brent Meyers   36     Don’t Administer Too Much or Too Little Oxygen to the COPD Patient        Terence Valenzuela and Jarrod Mosier     Section III  Cardiac Emergencies and ECG 37     Don’t Fail to Interpret Tachycardia         Sean Covant and Ray Fowler   38     Don’t Fail to Interpret Bradycardia Sean Covant and Ray Fowler   39     Don’t Be Fooled by These ECG Mimics        Sean Covant   40     Don’t Forget That There Are Many Causes of Chest Pain David Lehrfeld   41     Don’t Forget to Analyze Wide Complex Tachycardias        David Lehrfeld   42     Don’t Miss the Subtle ECG Findings of STEMI               A. J. Kirk   Section IV  Management of Cardiac Arrest 43  Don’t Overlook the Role of Hands-Only CPR in Community-Based Strategies for Survival          Jennifer Triaca 44  Don’t Overlook the Uses of Capnography in Cardiac Arrest Max Patterson and Jonathan C. Wendell 45  Do Not Interrupt CPR for More Than 10 Seconds: It Can Be the Difference Between Staying Alive and Biting the Dust Jonathan Wenk 46  Pay Close Attention to BLS Intervention!               Joel Higuchi 47  Refer Your Patients With ROSC to the Most Appropriate Facility              Bruce G. VanHoy 48  It’s a Cold Day on the Horizon: Chill Your ROSC Patients Out!             Rick Leonard and Kevin G. Seaman 49  Chest Compressions Are Your Most u201cAdvancedu201d BLS Technique            Gregory R. Valcourt and Kevin G. Seaman 50  CPR Devices: Don’t Believe Everything You Hear            Sam Matta 51  Confirmation Is About More Than Direct Visualization, Especially in Cardiac Arrest            Scott H. Wheatley and Elizabeth Moye 52  Know When to Say u201cWhen!u201d: Termination of Resuscitation Efforts in Cardiac Arrest            Thomas G. Chiccone 53  Noninvasive Airway Management in Cardiac Arrest: Think Beyond Intubation            Alexander J. Perricone 54  Do Not Fail to Ensure Quality Chest Compressions!           Cerisa C. Speight and Dale E. Becker 55  Involve Your Community in Cardiac Arrest: Together You Can Make a Difference            Cassandra M. Chiras and Kevin G. Seaman 56  Teamwork in Cardiac Arrest: No One Codes Alone             Elizabeth L. Seaman and Kevin G. Seaman 57  Think About Where to Begin Your Resuscitation!             Gregory R. Valcourt and Kevin G. Seaman   Section V   Tr


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